t w e l v e

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my pain will range from up down and sideways 

*Levi's POV*

I walk through the door of the school with a big smile on my face for the first time in years.

I was excited,I was happy. I have friends. Friends that actually appreciate me and don't mind my presence. 

I feel safe with them.

I practically skip to our little hang out room.

They're all there and I grin.

"Hey guys!" I say sitting on a desk by the door.

They all turn and face me,full of disgust.

My grin disappears and the happy feeling is replaced with anxiousness.

"Guys?"I whisper.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Drew spat.

My heart dropped.

"I- Um..I thought...what?" I stammer.

"Awh look he thought we were his friends" Cecilia cooed.

I feel tears of hurt and embarrassment fill my eyes.

"Aww look,little Levi is crying. We're not your friends curly,now piss off" Esme said.

Her words hurt the most.

I couldn't move,I was so shocked,My feet wouldn't let me go.

Esme stepped towards me.

"I said...piss.off." She said before punching me in the jaw making me fly off the desk and land on the floor head first.

Everything went blurry.

Well  Levi.

This is what happens when you trust someone.

A/N If y'all didn't realise,this is Levis dream

Say You Wont Let Go *Levi Jones*Where stories live. Discover now