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"Then you smiled over your shoulder,for a minute I was stone-cold sober"

*Esme's POV*

"Cecilia,I have to tell you something" I said as soon as i burst through the door.

We were sat in a deserted classroom Cecilia and I had found a few years back and since then that had been where we always met up and hung out. 

I told Cecilia about the events with Levi last night.

By the time I had finished Lia was smirking.

"What?" I ask.

"You like him,don't you?" She asks smirk him.

"Oh for the love of- Lia this is serious!" I exclaim.

"What else did you expect! Me to kiss it better?" She said sarcastically.

I was floored.

"Exactly" She says.

The bell rings.

"I hate you" I say picking up my things.

"That's treason!" She exclaims.

"How is me hating you treason?"I ask as we walk out the room.

"Cause i'm the fucking queen,bitch" Lia says.

"The queen bitch? Sounds about right." I say as we walk into the math classroom.

"No thats not- uuuughhh I hate you" She groans sitting down in her seat  next to mine.

"No you don't" I say.


As the rest of the class file into the class I recognise one of the pupils.


"Levis in this class?" I whisper to Cecilia.

She looks at me as if i'm crazy.

"Have you never noticed?" She asks, I shook my head.

"He sits right in front of you,you fucking idiot" She said slapping me (semi) softly on the head.

I glare at her.

"Okay class" The teacher said announcing his presence.

I turn to face him and see Levi facing me and smirking,obviously amused by me and Lia.

I freeze as my heart melts as his eyes were a beautiful emerald green today.

I smile at him nervously.

He grins back before turning and facing the front.

Say You Wont Let Go *Levi Jones*Where stories live. Discover now