n i n e

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"Whatever you go through I'll be there"

Eventually I (sorta) got the hang of skateboarding and we make it to the park with a few cuts and bruises.

"Hey guys" I say walking over to where the others were.

I got a chorus of "heeeys and wazzuuuuppp's" in reply.

"So what do y'all wanna do?" I ask no one in particular.

"Well,we're at a skatepark..." Nate said sarcastically.

I shoot Nate a glare.

"Skating it is" I sigh.

"I'll help you" Levi said with a small and slightly devilish grin.

I shoot the second glare in the past 2 minutes at Levi and he chuckles.

Drew sets off on his skateboard showing off with a few tricks as he skates away.

Nate and Cecilia are next,skating off hand in hand,I sigh slightly envious as I watch them.

Austin had brought his whizzboard with him as he couldn't really skate I giggle as he attempts to catch up with the others although he was moving at a snails pace.

"Okay,ready?" Levi asks me.

I scoff.


Levi rolled his eyes.

"Come on" He groaned.

I sigh and step onto the board.

"Okay and push off like before Levi said.

I did as I was told and gently pushed off.

The skateboard rolled a little before stopping.

"That was pathetic" Levi jokingly spat making me giggle slightly.

Levi gave a side smile and took a few steps towards me.

"Okay push of hard and do it a few times then glide a little and repeat" Levi explained.

I nod and get into position.

I take off my shirt and tie it round my waist before I push off hard this time and I continue pushing.

"YES!" I hear Levi shout.

I laugh and cheer.

But all good things must come to an end and I fall off the board smaking my head on the ground.

I groan as a sharp pain travels through my head.

"Oh my god are you okay!?" I hear Levi's panicked voice say.

I groan in reply.

I feel hands grab my forearm pulling me up.

I open my eyes and my vision is slightly blurry and my head ached but otherwise I was fine.

Levi held his arms out incase I fall.

"I'm okay" I assure him.

Levi looked skeptical but didn't say anything.

I step back onto the skateboard.

"You sure?" Levi asks.

I nod confidently.

I push off again and the skateboard begins to roll.

I continue pushing and I gain more and more speed.

I put my foot on the board and let myself roll.

"Keep going,you're doing good" I hear Levi say from next to me,I look up to see him skating along next to me.

I grin and push a few more times.

Levi and I skate around the park a few times and Levi shows off a bit with a couple tricks before we find a bench and sit down to catch our breath.

"So,what really happened?" Levi asked.

I stayed silent for a moment.

"My dad" I whisper tearfully.

"What?" Levi said.

"My dad" I mumble.

"No I heard you I just...." Levi trailed off not sure what to say.

I smile up at him.

"I know,it,it's okay" I say.

"What,no,it's not okay...does your mum know about this?" Levi asked.

"She left him a few years back,he abused her,but now he does it to me....he didn't let her take me with her and he doesn't let me go and see her" I say holding back tears.

I look up at Levi who looked back at me with sad eyes.

"God,im so sorry" He said quietly.

"It's not your fault" I reply.

Levi pulled me into a side hug.

We stay in that position before we see Austin running towards us with a trolley (or shopping cart as you Americans say 😂)

"Oh my god" Levi laughed pulling away from me.

Levi runs up to Austin and jumps into the cart.

I grinned rolling my eyes at them.

I was glad Levi was accepted into our gang,he seemed so alone before.

Austin ran around and Levi laughed and cheered.

Then Austin started spinning.

"Oh god" I say to myself with a small chuckle.

The cart tipped over and Levi flew out of the cart.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" Austin laughed as Levi groaned in pain.

I giggled to myself.

Drew ran over to them and helped Levi up.

Laustin both climbed into the cart and Drew ran around like mad with them in the cart.

He pushed hard and let go and they rolled past me acting as if they were in a rowing boat.

I roll my eyes and giggle.

I check the time.


I gasp.

"Shit shit shit" I say running towards the exit.

"Hey mae? Where you going?" I hear someone shout.

"I have to go home" I shout in reply without looking back.

"No,don't go" I hear another voice say.

I stop.

"Im sorry,I have to" I say before taking off on a run.

I feel someone's hand grab mine.

"No you don't,it's okay" I hear a voice I recognised as Levi's say.

"You don't have to go back to him, Relax....live a little" He says.

I sigh and bit my lip before turning and nodding.

"Okay" I say with a nervous smile.

"Good" He said with a smile.

"Now come let me push you in rhe cart" he said like a child dragging me over to the cart.

He lifts me into the cart and grabs onto the handles.

"Ready?" He asks.

I nod and he begins to run.

He sprints round the park spinning the cart at some points.

I hear Levi laugh as he climbs onto the bar at the back of the cart letting it glide.

He looks down at me and I look up into his beautiful blue/green eyes.

"Thank you" I say with a smile.

He looked confused.

"I'm actually living for once" I explain.

"It's been a while"

Say You Wont Let Go *Levi Jones*Where stories live. Discover now