Chp. 1

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Alison looked out across the New York skyline. Thousands of skyscrapers reached towards the sky, clawing at it with their heights.

She stood silently, admiring the hundreds of people walking up and down streets, cars weaving in and out of never ending traffic.

How fascinating it was to see all of the people with their creative stances as they hustled off to work.

Slowly behind her, she heard a small click of the Dilaurentis business room doors. Her father Kenneth touched the square of her back lightly with his hand.

"You're early. I specifically mentioned 8:30," he said jokingly.

Alison smirked ever so slightly. "I would rather be early than late. I know my father wouldn't call me to discuss business unless it was important."

Kenneth shared her grin. "You are right. I do have important news to share with you. Please, take a seat."

He waved in front of him so that Alison could sit at the other end of the long mahogany meeting table. Each side held twelve chairs, with two chairs at either head.

Alison crossed her legs as her father's assistant Marlene walked in and delivered to him a large stack of papers.

"Please excuse us Marlene. Alison and I have much to discuss. And I wish to discuss it in private," Kenneth said.

"Yes of course sir," Marlene stated as she quickly stepped out of the room.

"Alison, as you know, I am getting older. Dilaurentis Corporation, although currently thriving, cannot be run by me forever," Kenneth said.

Alison seemed taken aback. "You're handing it off to me?"

Kenneth sighed. "When the time comes, yes. There is too much to be done. This is a fast moving corporation that has spread across the globe. New York isn't the only big city that uses it. When I am no longer able to run it, millions of people will need us to keep it going. They will need YOU to keep it alive and prosperous."

"And what of Jason?" Alison asked sternly.

Kenneth's jaw clenched. "Your brother has been regarded as an adversary to the corporation. He left. He chose to be an artist on the streets instead of taking over the company. I knew those paintings your mother fancied when you two were younger would spoil his mind."

"Mom is okay with you putting the business in my trust?" Alison asked.

Kenneth simply laughed. "Your mother really has no say in the matter. This is a Dilaurentis family corporation that has been in the family for decades. It has been built up by my father and his father before him. The business was originally destined for Jason. But Jason is not here. And you are my daughter."

Alison rolled her eyes. "Are you too afraid of a woman running your company?" she asked sarcastically.

Kenneth eyed her suspiciously. "You take me for a sexist prick, Alison. No. I believe you are smart. You are more driven than Jason ever was."

"In all respect Dad, Jason is driven. He's just driven in something outside of Dilaurentis Corporation. When was the last time you even spoke to him?" Alison asked stiffly.

Kenneth rubbed his forehead. "Alison... I know you are still sore about me kicking Jason out-,"

"Sore? Sore doesn't even begin to explain what I feel. He is your son. He is as much of a Corporation leader as I am. He is a Dilaurentis!" Alison interrupted.

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