Chp. 15

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"Emily!" Called an excited shriek from the airline gate that Emily found herself hopelessly sitting at.

The brunette looked up and saw a blonde with a million bags begin to run at her.

"Wow Han, I kinda figured you'd have all of that delivered here," Emily joked as she hugged her ex turned somewhat best friend.

"Oh yeah! All of my other stuff was delivered. I just bought this stuff at the airports," Hanna said as she pulled a snow globe from one of the bags and shook it. "Isn't it cute?!"

Emily laughed and took a couple bags from the blonde girl. If there was one thing Hanna could make possible, it was laughter. Emily had fondly remembered her always making her laugh even if the situation hadn't gone in her favor.

"Thanks for meeting me. I kind of forgot what coast New York was on," Hanna shrugged.

"Jeez Han, you've only been gone for six years," Emily said with a crooked smile.

Hanna smiled back. "Yeah, I know but you know me. Sometimes I feel like I know what I'm doing, and other times I have absolutely no idea."

Emily stopped and stared at the beautiful blonde in front of her. "How does dinner sound?"

"Like Hardee's? Because I haven't had that in a really long time. Would you believe they don't actually have those in France?" Hanna joked.

Emily shook her head and laughed. "No, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind. My boss is having a dinner to welcome you home. She's... my friend. And I was wondering if you'd be my-,"

"Date?" Hanna smirked.

Emily blushed a little. She had always remembered Hanna having a knack for those little things. Why not consider Hanna her date? It wasn't like she was going to the dinner with Alison.

"Yes, my date," Emily said with a tight lipped smile.

Hanna did a small curtsy. "Then you, madame, are in luck."

* * *

Alison strutted up and down the street outside of where Paintbrush Art Store stood. The sun was beginning to set and Emily still hadn't returned home. Pretty soon, Ezra would be there to pick Alison up.

She figured after picking Hanna up from the airport, they had a lot of catching up to do. But still, the idea of Hanna coming into their lives when things were finally starting to come together bothered her.

A yellow taxi cab pulled up to the curb where a tall and slender woman stepped out. As soon as her mother met her eye contact, she smiled immediately and rushed over, a dry cleaned dress in her arms.

"Oh Ali! Your father and I have been so worried," Jessica said.

"You didn't tell him where I was, did you?" Alison asked suspiciously.

Jessica shook her head. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Is Jason here?"

She could tell her mother missed her brother more than anything in the world. The look on her face nearly tore Alison in two.

"J-Jason isn't here right now Mom. He went out on a date," Alison said.

"A date?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah... with another street artist. He won't be back until later tonight. And Emily and I have a dinner we have to get to," Alison said.

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