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(A/N - Hey guys! This is it! Thank you so so much for coming to read this story. Do you want a sequel? I may or may not be considering that!

This was such a hard chapter to write due to my emotions and I am super excited to read your comments. It is always bitter sweet when I finish a novel.

And as promised, I have another Emison fanfic up and ready to go! In my works, there's a brand new story called Chances that I'd love for you all to check out. I know many of you were looking forward to it!

I love you all so much. Thank you for being along for the ride. I hope you'll join me on more. Happy reading! Ciao!


The gala was bright with streaming lights hanging from the ceiling of the giant golden ballroom. Guests chattered everywhere, some of them wearing the nicest dresses and suits that could be afforded.

Toby Cavanaugh milled around, taking pictures of whoever was willing to take them. He noticed the hundreds of paintings lining the walls.

"Mr. Cavanaugh, may I speak with you?" A soft voice said from behind him.

Toby turned around quickly, his camera swaying on his chest. A tall brunette girl with a kind smile and a beautiful night blue dress met his stare.

"May I help you?" He asked, feeling as if he were letting his eyes wander.

The girl reached out to take his hand, her lips flashing that beautiful smile once more. "I'm Spencer Hastings. I'm Alison's cousin. She said you could take pictures of our family? My parents are just ecstatic about the engagement."

"P-pictures?" Toby asked, practically drooling.

Spencer noticed and giggled. She couldn't help but feel the same exact way for the photographer. He sure was attractive.

"Yes. Pictures. You're a photographer, right? Em said you were good at the whole picture taking thing."

Toby snapped out of it and forced himself to smile, though the sight of Spencer was hard
To frown over . "Of course. Where should we go?"

* * *

The evening as a whole went from organized to time consuming. Although Emily and Alison had thrown the gala to announce their engagement, the many people they were forced to entertain made it extremely hard to focus on each other.

Alison was all business and was certainly more accustomed to it than Emily, yet she couldn't help but feel she'd rather be in bed watching a movie with her artist.

Jason approached them and wrapped his arm around Emily's shoulders. "Mind if I steal you away for a second, sis?"

Emily couldn't help but feel shocked at the term of endearment. Never in a million years did she think she would be marrying into Jason's family and vice versa.

Alison seemed somewhat suspicious but let Jason steal her fiancé away for a few moments of talking.

As they stood out on the balcony of the upstairs ballroom where others were not, Jason shut the doors behind them and sighed. He looked a lot different with his hair cut and beard trim. It certainly caused Emily to take double takes every now and then. It was hard to believe that he was the same man she had met on the streets years before.

"Crazy night, huh?" Jason asked.

Emily rolled her eyes. "You have no idea. But Alison's keeping us both afloat with her words of wisdom."

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