Chp. 9

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For the first time in well, ever, Emily Fields' tiny art shop blew up as what seemed like hundreds of people dressed in fancy outfits came by to check out what was hanging on the walls.

Emily couldn't even begin to count how many hands she shook and how many different people she had met.

Jason, with his long flowing beard, hair, and mustache dawned an elegant grey suit with a silver Rolex that he must've had stashed away in his closet somewhere. Emily had never seen him look so... rich.

Emily was wearing the nicest pantsuit she could find. It wasn't often that she wore dresses, and when she did, it usually had to do with church.

Alison had texted her earlier that day telling her to wear something more businesslike than a dress.

Emily, having little money, wore the first and only thing she could find that wasn't something she would wear for a typical morning at church.

But now as she stood there that night, she realized she hadn't seen so much as even a glimpse of the younger Dilaurentis. This was their gala. Where could she possibly be?

Toby walked by with his camera and began taking a couple shots of his best friend. "Say cheese."

Emily tried her hardest to smile, and after he had finished taking his roll, he let the camera hang loosely around his neck. "So? Is this the biggest night you could've dreamed of or what?"

Emily shrugged. "I would say so. I've never had more than four people in my shop at once. It's kind of overwhelming."

Toby dismissed her anxiety. "I think you're doing fine. Say, where's that boss of yours?"

"I guess that would be me. For right now at least," Jason said as he approached with a man trailing behind him.

"Emily, this is Mr. Chang. He's going to be buying a couple paintings of yours tonight."

The man bowed to Emily respectfully who slightly bowed back, unfamiliar with his custom.

"He flew all the way here from Shanghai just to see your exhibit. Mr. Chang has known Alison and I since we were little kids," Jason explained.

Mr. Chang nodded. "Kenneth never mentioned you or Alison would be running an asset within the company. Once I heard of the news, I couldn't not come," he turned towards Emily, "Ms. Fields, your work is absolutely exquisite. I wish to buy five paintings."

"Fifteen grand is a good price," Jason said.

"Certainly. It's quite cheap," Mr. Chang agreed.

Toby and Emily almost choked on the glasses of champagne they were drinking. Emily patted her friend's back.

"Well thank you so much for your wonderful contribution Mr. Chang. I hope we can do business again soon," Emily said as politely as she could.

As soon as Toby led Mr. Chang over to the paintings so that he could grab a closer look, Emily grabbed Jason and steered him over towards a less occupied corner.

"Where is Alison?" Emily hissed.

Jason shrugged. "I don't know. But this is typical Ali. She thinks she's mature enough to run a company but she isn't. She can't even show up to her own Gala on time."

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