Chp. 6

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(N/A - Hey guys!! I really hope you are all enjoying this story so far. I am sad to see that many readers who loved Home For Fall are not reading this story now. But to those of you who are, thank you so so much! It means the world to me and you guys are the best. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the rest of my story. I'd like to get some fan submissions of ideas you'd like to see me write whether it be Emison or Clexa. Just private message me what you would like to see, and you'll get a shoutout in the story whenever I can get a chance to write it. Of course I have to approve of the prompt to begin with! Lots of love for you all!!

- EmisonFans)

Emily ordered two vanilla ice cream cones and the man working the vendor pulled them from the cart.

"That'll be two bucks."

"Can't beat that," Emily grinned as she handed him the cash. He tried to give back her change, but Emily shook her head. "Keep it. Really. It's fine."

He smiled and tipped his hat to her.

She handed the second vanilla cone to Alison who was still secretly blushing. She was absolutely intrigued by the brunette. She couldn't believe that despite the fact that she had almost no money, she still managed to give it away.

"So tell me. Why art?" Emily asked as they began walking.

Alison snapped out of her thoughts. "What?" She asked.

"Art. Why did you choose to sell art?" Emily asked again.

Alison smiled softly after licking a bit of her ice cream. "I grew up loving it. That's where Jason got his inspiration. Our mother is a fond art collector."

"But your dad?" Emily asked.

Alison grimaced. "Not such a big fan of it."

"That's a shame," Emily said.

"I guess I could ask you the same question though. Why art?" Alison said.

Emily smiled. "Well... I had a girlfriend. And her name was Hanna. And we both grew up loving art even though her type of art was different than mine. She's a fashionista. But we knew each other for a long time before we started dating. We were college roommates at NYU.

"Anyways. She inspired me even more to love art. To do paintings specifically of the eyes. But I always grew up wanting to be the next big thing in art. And when I got an art scholarship to NYU, it made my parents so proud," Emily said.

"And now?" Alison asked, a little glum at the mention of Emily's ex.

"Well they're still proud of me. But I think they wish I didn't go to school for art. We're dirt poor. My mother is working well into the time she can have to be retired," Emily said.

"What about your dad?" Alison asked as they sat down on a bench and stared out at all the people and the lights.

"He was injured in the war. He's been disabled ever since," Emily said sadly.

Alison felt the need to touch her, but she knew she couldn't. She didn't even know Emily. But it was a need that was consuming her.

She pressed her hand against Emily's arm and gripped it firmly which sent electrical impulses up and down both of their arms.

"This job that I've offered you. It's going to change everything. You won't be dirt poor for long. I promise," Alison reassured her.

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