Chp. 7

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"I don't know why I even bother with this!" Alison explained in exasperation as her father stared at her pointedly.

"We agreed that you wouldn't be getting too close with these street artists, Alison," Kenneth said.

"You told me not to get too involved with Jason. I've abided by your rules," Alison snapped.

"Frank told me you brought a girl up here last night. He said you called her a potential client. What type of client comes up here around midnight?" Kenneth argued back as he stood up from his meeting chair.

"I'm allowed to have friends!" Alison yelled.

Her father grew quiet and pinched the bridge of his nose between his pointer finger and his thumb.

"Please. Alison... you can't let your feelings overcome the idea of business. It ruins everything," he said.

She shook her head and stared down at the blue heels her mother and her had bought in LA. She remembered how much she had just adored the color.

Now it seemed as if everything were beginning to grow dull.

"Her artwork will sell for thousands. Stick the Dilaurentis logo on it, and it shouldn't be a problem," Alison said, a tightness in her voice.

Her father smiled and strolled over to her so that he could stand behind her. He put his hand on the small of her back and sighed deeply so that she could smell the stale stench of cigars on his breath.

"One day, this entire city will be ours. The lower class neighborhoods will be cleared out with our renovations. The world will praise the Dilaurentis connection," Kenneth grinned.

Alison couldn't help but feel that was the worst thing they could do.


"Emily!" A strong voice called out.

Emily turned around to see one of her closest college friends, Toby, behind her.

His brown hair, which used to be long and shaggy, was now gelled up into a quiff. He had his bag on his back, and a blue polo shirt on with black jeans.

He scooped her into a strong hug. "Oh, man. Am I glad to see you!"

"We should definitely go out for a beer as soon as I'm done with this painting," Emily said as she turned back to the blue eyes of Jason's that she always painted.

"Yeah, sounds good," he said.

The stairs above them creaked as Jason leaned over them and scratched the back of his head. He hadn't even heard Emily come home last night. He figured she may have still been out with his sister. He still didn't quite understand where that came from.

"Go a little easy on the blues there, Em. They're beginning to look too bright," Jason remarked from up above.

Toby looked up towards where the other bulky man was standing and gave him a soft smile. "I think it's beautiful. But then again, I went to school for photography."

Jason descended the stairs and extended a hand. "Jason Dilaurentis. It's nice to meet you."

Toby's blue eyes bulged at the last name as he shook it. "Toby Cavanaugh."

"Your dad runs the construction business right?" Jason asked.

Toby nodded gleefully, almost a little too eagerly towards the older man. "Of course. And your dad runs the world."

Jason laughed, though it sounded dark to Emily. "Yeah, something like that."

Emily wiped the paint from off of her hands and set down her brush. She walked over towards the sinks on the back wall and lathered them with soap and water.

"What brings you by Toby?" Emily asked.

"Not to be rude or anything, but who exactly are you?" Jason asked.

Toby laughed a hearty laugh that made Emily remember the many years of binge drinking in college and the parties they often went to in the city at NYU.

"I came to see you just because I was around. I live in Boston now, so whenever I come to New York I always mean to stop by. Sometimes it's hard. But when I can, I do. Also, I'm one of her best friends from University," Toby said.

"Hey Jason, you don't mind if I go grab a pint with Tobes, do you?" Emily asked the long haired man.

Jason shrugged. "Go ahead. I'm expecting a visit from Alison today anyways about projected sales at your first gala."

"Alison is coming here?" Emily asked wearily. While she wanted to see Toby, she desperately wanted to see the beautiful blonde again.

After their previous night together, the last thing she wanted to do was leave. They had danced and sang, and looked out across the city's horizon.

The never ending lights were bright, and the people on the streets never seemed to cease. It was as if the pause button didn't exist.

She could tell Alison didn't want the brunette to leave either, at least that's what Emily thought.

After a couple hours together, and a few glasses of wine from Kenneth Dilaurentis' private cellar, Emily excused herself politely and drunkenly piled herself into the limousine Alison had conveniently called  up to take her home.

Snapping her out of her fantasy, Jason nodded. "Like I said. She's merely coming here for a couple minutes to discuss our agenda. As your manager, I'll figure it all out. Don't you worry."

"A gala? Mind if I take some photos?" Toby asked curiously.

Emily shrugged. "Sure. I don't see why not. Just no direct photos of the artwork and you should be fine."

"Scouts honor," Toby said as he crossed his fingers over his heart.

Emily walked back towards the back of the room and grabbed her coat. "What bar?"

"Mark's?" Toby suggested.

Of course. It was their go to. The bar they went to when they were in college on nights that seemed endless.

"Watch over the shop Jason. I'll be home soon," Emily reminded the other blue eyed blonde she had grown so close to.

Toby held open the art shop's door as Emily slipped out.

Jason watched their backs as they retreated down the sidewalk and into the city. He looked around at the many paintings of his eyes.

He stopped however when he came upon a small canvas propped up in the corner.

They were blue eyes like his, only they weren't his.

They looked so familiar. He could've recognized them anywhere.

Emily had broken her streak of Jason.

She had finally begun to paint Alison.

And for the first time ever, Alison had become art.

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