Chp. 4

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"She seems enthusiastic to do this, Jason," Alison said as they stood outside of the art shop looking in at Emily who was working diligently on another painting.

Jason scoffed. "You're using her, Ali."

"You agreed to it Jason. You chose money over your best friend. I didn't make that decision for you. That was all you," Alison reminded him.

"I chose money FOR my best friend. I've been living off of whatever she has made. And let me tell you, it's not a lot. They're from Canada. They're immigrants. And yet they're feeding me. I'm a multi-millionaire and I'm making THEM feed me. How do you think I feel about that?" Jason spat.

"You don't have access to your money. You're just as poor as they are," Alison said.

"Shut up Ali," Jason snapped.

"Do you have a problem with our family Jason? With me and mom? The two people who stood up for you against dad? You are a Dilaurentis. Kenneth's will to dominate will never take that away," Alison said back.

"Then why hasn't mom contacted me again? She acts like I never existed," Jason said.

"Jason, you know that's not true," Alison said.

"Oh really? When was the last time you ever cared about me enough to leave that fucking tower of yours to see me for fun? You only came to see me this time to make a deal. You don't ever come for the sake of seeing your brother," Jason growled.

"I'm doing you a favor. That is why I'm here. Once dad steps down, I take over. I take over all of the assets as well. He has no say in anything anymore once he signs the contracts. You can come home and you will have full power over your own money. Emily can be paid in full. She will have enough money to support her family. This is a good thing we are doing Jason. Many people will end up happy in the end," Alison said nonchalantly.

Jason looked as if he wanted to argue, but his mouth remained shut.

Alison motioned for him to walk with her. "Okay, enough with the heavy. How did you meet Emily?"

Jason sighed. "Emily saw me on the street one day as she was bringing home groceries. I was trying to sell my work on the streets and I wasn't getting far at all. She stopped to look at them. I just remember her being the only one who stopped. I thought as well that maybe I had found a girlfriend. But then she told me she liked girls. I figured being best friends would do.

"She took care of me. She took me under her wing. I sat at dinner that night with her and her parents and we all talked. Then Emily told me she was an artist as well and owned a small art shop.

"And then I saw her work. And I couldn't believe it. Overall when people go in the shop and see our work, people usually only buy hers. She is such an underestimated artist," Jason said.

"She is fairly talented. It's been a long time since I've seen good art. I would buy yours for everything in the world. But you know how dad feels about your work," Alison said glumly.

"Yeah well... thanks Als," Jason mumbled.

"Emily is single?" Alison suddenly asked.

Jason eyed her weirdly. "Why? You looking to bang her?"

Alison blushed. "That is preposterous Jason and you know it. I just wanted to know if she had a girlfriend because then she wouldn't be too lonely."

"Believe me. Emily has been searching for the one as she calls it. She hasn't had luck. Most of the girls in the city just stand her up," Jason said.

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