Chp. 10

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It had been four weeks since Emily Fields had seen Alison Dilaurentis. After the gala, Emily insisted on working alone and minding her own business.

She knew she had no reason to be upset with Alison for having a boyfriend. They barely knew each other, and it wasn't like they were dating. Yet Emily couldn't get over it, her heart absolutely shattered at the sight of Alison walking in with that guy, Ezra.

The gala however, brought in thousands upon thousands of dollars for Emily's family. She remembered quite vividly her mother getting the check from Jason and almost passing out onto the floor.

With it, they fixed up the shop a bit, and even bought her father a new wheelchair.

Emily smiled as she looked around her completely redesigned art store. It was everything she could've hoped for.

With or without Alison Dilaurentis.

* * *

Alison couldn't stop staring at the painting of her eyes on the wall. Emily hadn't spoken to her or seen her in weeks.

She picked up the sleek black desk phone, held it to her ear, and dialed the number of the art shop as she did almost every single day.

"Paintbrush Art Store, this is Jason speaking, how may I help you?"

"Jason, its Alison. I have another check to send in to you guys from last week's overseas orders."

"Okay, I'll be over to pick it up as soon as I can."

"Jason... can I give it to Emily this time?"

A sigh came from over the line. "We've been over this Als."

"She has to see me sometime," Alison argued.

"No, Ali. She doesn't. She's not happy with you right now. She wants space."

"It's been a month! I'm her boss!" Alison exclaimed angrily.

The breath on the other end of the line seemed to grow darker. "Then maybe you should've shown up to your gala on time without Aria and Ezra."

Alison scoffed. She couldn't believe Jason was seriously taking it out on her now, after she was paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars to paint a set of eyeballs on canvas.

"Then I guess I just have to rip up the contracts. My own artist wants nothing to do with me. I'll find someone who does," Alison threatened menacingly.

"Ali, you wouldn't-,"

"Don't test me Jason. There are thousands of other artists just like Emily who would love to be making the amount of money you two are."

"Look, Alison, would you really damn Emily and her family like that?" Jason asked.

Alison thought for a couple of minutes. The last thing she ever wanted to do was hurt Emily. She lov-,

"Ali?" Jason asked.

Alison took a deep breath in and released it. "Don't make me do something I'm going to regret."

And with that, she hung up.

* * *

Jason listened to the dead dial tone before lowering his phone back into the cradle.

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