Chp. 12

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"Alison, I'm so glad you could make it," Kenneth said as his stunning daughter walked into his conference room where he was filling out some papers. A couple men were surrounding him, their stony faces looking up at the younger Dilaurentis with no expression.

"Father, I am incredibly busy with the art asset. I told my client I would be spending the day with her but had to cancel for this evening meeting. What is this about?" Alison asked, slightly annoyed.

It had been about twelve days since Emily was there last and twelve days since Alison had seen Emily. She didn't want to be late seeing her again, for she was afraid what happened last time would happen again.

She knew she couldn't let Emily down once more or she would risk losing her forever. But sadly, the cancellation was unavoidable and her father would not take "no" for an answer.

And it had seemed that even though she only knew Emily for four or five months, she could feel herself growing closer and closer to her.

Over and over again she found herself thinking of the taller brunette, her apron smothered with paint. She wished she could see Emily paint in person. She imagined her nose crinkle up concentration, her tongue slightly sticking out from her lips in determination.

But even so, they were five months into their partnership and nothing had come of it. Just one silly drunken night with a lot of drunken dancing.

"Alison, as you know... I've had a plan to clear out the lower slums of New York for quite some time now," Kenneth began as he stood up and scratched his chin.

The men sitting at the table with him looked more than pleased now as Alison's expression became confused. "Yes... I have known about it. But you said construction wouldn't begin until 2023. It's only 2017, Father."

Kenneth grunted and placed his meaty hand on Alison's back gently. "The team and I have come to a conclusion. To save money and time, we have decided to start demolition this year. We've already contacted judges for land grants and warrants."

Alison's eyes grew wide as she felt fear instill itself in her throat. "Father... no, you can't do that. People are living down there. You have to give them more than two years to prepare to leave. You can't just force them from their homes! My client lives there!"

Kenneth sighed and led Alison away from the table. "Gentlemen, would you please excuse us for a minute?"

"Of course, Kenneth," one of the burliest men said.

After they had all walked out, leaving their empty folders on the table, Kenneth closed the door behind them and replaced his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Ali... you will find more clients. And those people will find somewhere else to live."

Alison shrugged him off and scoffed. "How would you like it if somebody came here and tried to remove us from our tower just so they could plow it to the ground?"

Kenneth grit his teeth and tucked a loose strand of Alison's blonde hair behind her ear. "I can't put myself in the shoes of others when it is not my concern, nor my worry. Your mother had the same reservations as yourself. Though I think she was more worried about my estranged son."

"Jason lives down there too, Father. Would you really wish for him to be homeless?" Alison spat.

Kenneth pointed a finger at his daughter. "You will not speak to me in that manner, young lady."

"As the next owner of this company, I do have a right to speak to you the way I am. You are to halt business. Or I'm not doing anything for you," Alison warned.

Kenneth, looking slightly panicked, lowered his finger and straightened his suit. "Now Alison... don't say things you don't mean."

"These are people, Father. They have lives and children just as you do. And one of them is your son. For you to turn your back on them so suddenly after the promises you made to Mother and I is asinine," Alison argued.

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