Chp. 5

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Emily's father looked long and hard at Alison before sighing. "It's getting late. I can't... I just don't think we can go for dinner tonight. But another time?"

Alison smiled as warmly as she could, absolutely shocked by her offer being turned down. "Of course."

Jason nodded. "I agree. I'm really tired too. It's time you start getting home, Ali."

"No, wait... I'll go with you," Emily said suddenly.

"Emily, let her go home. Kenneth will be looking for her," Jason said stiffly.

"Our father can't stop me from doing what I want. I'm a legal adult," Alison reminded him.

Pam subtly rolled her eyes which only proved to annoy Alison further. To her, it was as if they didn't like the rich. Even her own brother, who was a Dilaurentis himself, agreed with them.

"And so am I. I'm going," Emily decided.

Wayne steadied himself which caused Alison to look over in worry. "Emmy... a word?"

Emily blinked twice before following her father into his bedroom where he sat down on the bed and scratched his elongated chin. Emily closed the large mahogany door behind them so that they were not heard.

"In what world do you think you are actually accepted by her?" Wayne asked.

Emily scoffed. "This one. Because she does accept me. She respects me."

"No, Emily. She respects your work. To her, that's all you are. You're a business deal. You make money for them. That's it. And if you don't listen to us now, you're going to make a grave mistake," Wayne warned.

"Like what? Making thousands of dollars for our family? I come home with not even a hundred dollars a week sometimes. Art is not something people appreciate the way they used to. Mom works. She works and breaks her back to help support us. This would majorly pull us out of the shallow grave we're currently lying in. So what mistake am I making?" Emily asked heatedly.

"The mistake you will make, is falling for that girl," Wayne said.

Emily turned pale. "I don't like Alison like that. I don't even know her."

"But you will. And we all know you Emily. After what Hanna did to you... you were never the same," Wayne said.

"Hanna didn't really do anything to me. Our relationship ended when she moved to France for her fashion career. She asked me to go with her. I told her no. There was no bad blood. We even talk occasionally," Emily stated.

"But you were so depressed and wouldn't come out of your room. You wouldn't eat. You wouldn't talk. You didn't sleep," Wayne listed.

"Alison is not Hanna. Alison is my boss. I sell her artwork. That's the only thing she is to me," Emily said.

Wayne laughed quietly to himself, though Emily could tell it was out of pain. He could tell. He knew what Emily didn't want anybody to know. But that was Wayne. He knew her better than herself.

"The Dilaurentis Corporation is going to destroy everything in the suburbs to build their masterpiece. You've heard the rumors. We both know they're true. What's the point in selling Kenneth Dilaurentis' daughter artwork, if you won't have a studio to sell art from?" Wayne asked.

Emily shook her head. "You're wrong about her, Dad. She isn't like him."

"But that's where you're wrong. They're all like that. Jason isn't like that for one reason. His funds were cut off. If he had his money, do you really think he would be hanging out with us? Street garbage. That's what we are to them. They're blue bloods. They don't care about anybody but themselves," Wayne spat.

Emily sighed and put her head in her hands. She hated fighting with him. Ever since the war, he had been extremely angry with those in higher positions than him. Especially people who were above the law. People who made millions of dollars for no reason.

"I am going to dinner with Alison. I will make my own assumptions based on what I know is true. I don't need you to do it for me," Emily said as she turned on her heel and opened the door behind her.

She shut it loudly which caused the people sitting in the living room to turn and stare at her. Her mother was sitting with Alison drinking tea while Jason was nowhere to be seen.

"Jason?" Emily asked.

"He went to bed," Pam said softly.

Emily nodded. "Ready to head out?"

Alison nodded quickly and politely put the tea back on the coffee table. "Thank you so much for the tea Mrs. Fields. It was a pleasure to meet you."

"And you, Alison. Have fun you two," Pam said with a tight smile as she shuffled off towards the kitchen, two tea cups in hand.


Emily nervously walked next to Alison who was taking in the view from the center of time square where thousands of tourists poured.

"It's beautiful at night," Alison remarked.

"What, you never come down here?" Emily asked.

"Not usually. I just sometimes look down at it from up there," Alison said as she looked towards the large tower hanging over the square. "My father is picky about us leaving. He is afraid somebody will hurt one of us in demand for a ransom."

"I can assure you, I do not think that will happen," Emily laughed.

"Well I would assume you wouldn't let it," Alison smirked.

Emily blushed. "Of course not. Somebody has to pay me."

Alison laughed. "I'm not all that hungry anymore."

"Yeah, me either," Emily said.

"Wanna get ice cream instead?" Alison asked.

Emily smiled. "Well... that I can afford."

"You're not paying though," Alison joked.

"But I should. As a thank you for giving me the opportunity to give my parents a life," Emily said.

Alison felt the blush rising up in her cheeks. Thankfully the many colorful lights surrounding them them from being exposed.

"I also did it to give you a life. You're constantly trying to prove yourself, Emily. You're constantly trying to find validation. You're worth more than you think," Alison said genuinely.

She couldn't believe the words were coming out of her own mouth. She looked at Emily who was also staring back at her.

Her brown eyes searched the blonde's and in that second Alison wanted nothing more than to kiss Emily.

Emily smiled that gorgeous smile Alison found herself attracted to and began slowly walking towards the nearest street vendor.

Alison followed.

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