Chp. 14

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Jason Dilaurentis snuck into the surrogate bedroom of his younger sister with the pillowcase and extra blanket draped over his left arm.

He moved to the side of the room so that he could stare at the younger girl and sighed when she finally met his gaze. "Alison, what're you doing here?"

"I'm escaping-,"

"Kenneth, yeah I know. I mean what are you doing here. Why would you go to the home of your client and not to the home of a close friend? I mean, you do have those, don't you?" Jason asked sarcastically.

Alison sat with a hardened expression and grit her teeth. "I already feel a fight coming on Jason. And believe me, I don't want to hear it. So I wouldn't waste my breath if I were you."

Jason scoffed. "That's real big of you to say, Ali. But I'm really only here to add my input. You're confusing Emily. And I don't appreciate it."

"Confusing her or confusing you?" Alison snapped back.

"Do you want my honest answer? You're confusing the hell out of both of us. Once more, you're mixing business with pleasure and you're making me believe you actually care about me as more than your older brother who was already removed from the immediate family," Jason said as he tossed his sister what was in his arms.

Alison caught them just slightly, almost dropping them in the process. "I never stopped caring about you Jason."

"Oh really? Because you and Mom could've fooled me. I'm starting to believe you actually made a mistake by not going to acting school like you dreamed of when you were five," Jason spat.

Alison glared at him. "Obviously you don't believe me, Jason. So I'm not going to sit here and try to sell my reason to you so that we can hug it out and sing campfire songs. If you don't have anything helpful to say, get out."  

Jason glared at his younger sister. "You made a very large mistake coming here tonight Alison. And Emily is one of those people who sees the good in everybody she meets. But that's only because she doesn't really know you. I do. And believe me, I'm not seeing much good."

* * *

The next morning, Emily Fields stared at the letter in front of her. And she stared at it again. And again. And again. And again.

It was driving her absolutely mad. Hanna Marin wanted to see her?

They hadn't seen each other in years.

But... no.

Alison. Alison is the priority, Emily thought to herself silently.

"Morning Em," that sweet voice called out to her, almost as if it were on cue.

Emily looked up to see an almost disgruntled Alison standing above her with two cups of coffee in her hands with the pale red nails.

"Hey, was the couch too rough on you? You look like you didn't sleep at all," Alison said worriedly as she sat down next to the brunette and handed off the cup.

Emily scrunched her nose and sighed. "Uh... yeah. I didn't sleep much."

"I'm sorry. We can trade places tonight if you want."

"T-Tonight?" Emily choked on her coffee.

"Yeah. I mean, if that's imposing too much, I can always pay for a hotel room or stay with another friend," Alison said nervously.

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