Chp. 2

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Alison ate dinner silently at the table that held her mother and her father. Not a single one of them spoke as they feasted on almost every spectacular looking food on the table.

"The kitchen staff served this well. Remind me to tip them," Kenneth said to Jessica who merely smiled halfheartedly.

Alison could tell she was unhappy. Her passion for art took a small stance compared to her husband's passion for dominance.

"Father, we should discuss with mother what we ruled today in our meeting," Alison said sweetly. It was almost condescending.

Kenneth chuckled. "Why yes, Jessica, it looks as if you will be getting what you want after all. Alison wishes to own an art collection in the name of the Dilaurentis Corporation."

Jessica's eyes lit up as she looked to her daughter. "Oh Ali. Did you really?"

"Let's not get too over excited Mother. The business is for your happiness. The money is for mine. Soon, Father will be stepping down. And I will be taking over," Alison said.

The room became silent as Jessica stared from Alison to Kenneth.

"You promised me Jason would run the company," Jessica said through gritted teeth.

Kenneth simply wiped his face on his napkin. "Jason is no longer capable of running this multi-million dollar company. He would spend all the money on worthless paintings and sculptures, and whatever other shit he likes. He wouldn't use the company for innovation. Alison will. I trust her way more than I could ever trust our son."

"But he is our boy, Kenneth! He is our child! He will never come back to us!" Jessica exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

"Oh Mother. Stop being so overdramatic. Jason will be coming back to us. Starting tomorrow morning, he will be working with the Dilaurentis family again. He will be our art scout," Alison said in the same stern tone.

Jessica sighed. "And how do you plan to do that?"

"Easy. I'm going into the city to see him. He can't turn down a breakfast with his sister," Alison smirked.

Kenneth straightened. "I do not want you buying artwork from him."

"Oh please. Like I would ever care to buy Jason's pitiful, worthless paintings," Alison snorted.

Jessica looked incredibly hurt. "You used to love your brother's work. How can you be so conniving?"

Alison turned her steely gaze on her mother. "I love my brother. More than anything in the world. And I want him to come home. He is a Dilaurentis. He belongs here. Not on the streets trying to be a wannabe Picasso. I loved his work when I was younger. But I have grown up. I'm twenty two. Jason is twenty six. It's time for him to grow up too."

The next day, Jason's phone buzzed in his pocket. Emily was painting his eyes again. She loved them very much. They were deep blue with a few streaks of green. They were some of the only things that would sell.

Jason stared quizzically at his pocket. "Em, I need to get this."

"Don't move, I'm almost done," Emily said with the paintbrush swirling on the page to help outline the two large blue orbs that resembled his eyes.

"This can wait," Jason said as he stood up and pulled the phone from his pocket.

He recognized the number before he even looked at the caller ID. He stepped outside of the shop where he could still get a good look of Emily painting. She gave him a thumbs up and mouthed "you look gorgeous darling" jokingly before continuing her work.

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