Chp. 21

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(A/N - So guys! There is one more chapter after this (the epilogue!) Thank you all so much for such a beautiful ending to my story. I have a feeling you will all be extremely pleased with how I'm going to end it and I hope that you'll all be reading my next novel. It will be released as soon as the epilogue to this story is released! Dilly dilly!

I have become a much better author with the help of you all. You have brought me so far and have helped me along so much. I hate to promote anything on this manuscript, but I am getting ready to release a young adult fiction novel outside of wattpad. I am super excited to publish a personal story for you all to see. I spent two years writing my novel and it's been almost four since I started working on it.

I was wondering if I were to release my novel's title with the link on here if any of you would be kind enough to pick it up, read it, and pass it on to somebody you love?

The book is centered around showing love to others before it's too late. It's based off of a personal story in my life after my best friend and cousin passed away five years ago. I was completely and utterly traumatized by it. And the only way I knew how to cope was to write a book.

It would mean the world to me if you guys would be willing to take some time out of your lives to read this book that I created in hopes of changing and saving lives. I want to make a difference with it. I want to spread hope and love.

It has not been published yet, but it has been the biggest project in my life, as I am a chronically ill teenager who spends all of my days reading and writing if I am not in the hospital. I plan on releasing info on it as soon as it is available. You guys have made me one of the happiest people in the world, if not the happiest. Thank you for changing my sick and tired life into something beautiful.

You have all been amazing and so kind. I am eternally grateful.


Alison Dilaurentis wrote out check after check, names blurring through her mind as she tried her very hardest to remember her many employees.

For the seven months that she had been running the company, she realized just how little she still truly knew of it.

Her father begrudgingly gave her tips on how to run a successful business in fear of completely losing whatever money he had left in his wallet.

And although he wasn't fond of Emily, he learned to keep his mouth closed on his daughter's relationship with her.

Emily continued to work for her girlfriend, though not in the same capacity as she had. She stayed in Dilaurentis tower after Alison had asked her to move in and went to the Art Shop for work.

Jason also moved back into the tower and into his old room where he could finally throw out the supplies Kenneth had left in there and frame his artwork on his wall again.

All seemed well, though Emily felt somewhat small compared to Alison.

Alison was large in wealth and fame. She had the whole world fall to their knees whenever she called for it. And yet Alison was not like that with her girlfriend.

Emily couldn't tell if she had simply grown accustomed to the artist's presence or if she could truly care less for her status. Either way, it made things only a little more comfortable for Emily who continued to live in absolute style and riches.

And yet she still worked. Everywhere she went, art was involved simply because the love she had for it was too great to just abandon.

And although she wasn't the best at it, every night as they would lay down together, they found themselves unable to keep their hands to themselves. At the beginning of their relationship, Emily wasn't sure if Alison was able to even feel for her in a sexual manner.

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