school day 1

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               Made a wrong turn once or twice
                    Dug my way out, blood and fire
                       Bad decisions, that's alright
                           Welcome to my silly life
                                Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
                                    Miss No-Way-It's-All-Good,
                                        It didn't slow me down.
                                            Mistaken, always second guessing
                                                  Underestimated, look, I'm still around
(Pink fucking perfect)

Four students walk into the great hall.  Two girls, two boys, everyone became aware they was in the room. Three Veela and a bright red-head. Everyone watched as they went to their tables. All four clueless why everyone is staring at them.

Ginny and Hermione sat the the Gryffindor table, while Draco and Blasie sit at the Slytherin table. Both to busy talking to know what is going on around them.

Headmistress McGonagall stood up read to speck, but the room was loud with chatter. She waited a minute or two before she spoke loudly "QUIT!" Everyone stopped talking and looked up at her. She smiled sweetly before starting her speech.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts. We will be welcoming not only first years but our 7th year back. This year we will be doing something different, but it is only for this 7th year and last years. But first the rules! No going into the Forbidden forest, all students must be back in their dorms before 11pm. Expect 1st and 2nd years you will have to be back in your dorms before 10:30 pm. Another note We will be having a free day tomorrow meaning you can go Hogsmeade, but you will need to be back before 9pm. Farther more if you are seen bulling of any kind you will spend a month cleaning all bathrooms without magic. I don't care if the are death eaters or nerds or what is the word you kids calls them slags. I will not have none of it.Now eat!"

Headmistress McGonagall finished her speech and went to go eat herself.


Hermione  didn't bother to pat attention to what the Headmistress had to say. She already knew what she was saying. Hermione head starting hurting her again, she quickly cast a silent spell on herself. She didn't want no one to hear her scream. She kept screaming until someone else was screaming with her. She knew it wasn't her that was screaming, she tried to look around but she couldn't move with out more pain shooting into her head. Soon she had fall on the fall once she hit the floor she passed out.

Ginny turn to see Hermione laying on the floor throwing herself around, but she wasn't the only one. Blaise had started to scream once Hermione started. He had fall forwards hitting his head on the table before he fall backwards towards the ground. Ginny grabbed her ward and shouted  Wingardium Leviosa on Hermione before running out the hall with her in front of her. She ran to the hospital wing of the school.

Draco grabbed Blaise and dragging him to the hospital wing. Once he got there he seen Hermione on one bed and Ginny Standing next to her. Draco laid Blaise down on the bed beside Granger not wanting to carry him any farther. Madam Pomfrey ran out of her office like she just lost her head.

"What is the meaning of this?" she asked the only two kids standing.

"Blaise was talking to me befo.." Draco started before the pain was in his head badly. He went to fall but Ginny caught him just in time. Ginny quickly put him on the bed beside Blaise before answer Madam Pomfrey.

"I don't know what happpen to Zabini, but I Heard a scream before Malfoy started yelling  his name. I looked over to talk to Hermione but she was on the floor throwing herself around. Could it be a spell?" Ginny cried.

Madam Pomfrey checked to see if it was a spell or a potion to cause this mess but it was neither. Soon after she checked them Hermione woke up and jumped out of bed to throw up. Once she was done she removed the silent charm on herself.

"What happen?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know I was hoping you could tell me." Madam Pomfrey said.

"I was talking about them two. I am fine. I just gotten a really bad head." Hermione said. She was acting like nothing happen to her.

"We dont know, but all three of you was throwing yourselves around like someone was killing you. Mione when did these headace start happening?" Ginny asked.

"Do you think there is something wrong with us?" Hermione asked sitting on the bed.

"OI! What in merlin's name happen to me?" Blaise cried out.

Blaise tired to sit up, but his body wont let him. He fall back onto the bed, but looked over at the three ladies beside him.

"We dont know Mr. Zabini. You was in the Great Hall before you started screaming and Mr. Malfoy bought you here before he started to scream." Madam Pomfrey said.

"Damnit, I didnt think it would happen so soon." Blaise mumbled, but the other three heard him.

"what do you mean Blaise?" Hermione asked

"I am a Veela. This is part of my body getting use to the Veela blood, but me and Draco are." Blaise explain.

Hermione went pale, she started thinking of what she read on veela. She should have known that is what is wrong with her.

"Hermione what is it dear?" Madam Pomfrey said.


"Where am I?" Malfoy said sleepy.

"You in the Hosital wing Malfoy." Ginny Spoke first.

"UHh,. is blaise ok?" he asked

"I'm fine mate. Thank you Draco." Blaise answered.

Draco nodded before laying back down. Hermione watched him for a few minutes before Ginny waved her hand in front of her.

"What?" Hermione snapped.

" Are you ready to go?" Ginny asked. Hermione just nodded. She got up and started walking towards the door before Madam Pomfrey called out to them.

"Girls the Headmistress wants to see you before you go to your dorms." Madam Pomfrey called out.

The girls nodded and left. The walked to the headmistress office. They has one of the paniting go get the headmistress, for they didnt know the password. Soon the stone began to move. The girls began to claim the stairs. they knocked before they entered.

"Come in ladies."

"good evening Headmistress." the girls said together.

"Hermione I do hope you are feeling ok. Please sit. " Profecer McGanall moved the chairs for the girls to sit in.

"I am fine Professer. You needed to see us?" Hermione asked.

"Yes dear I did. I have changed that 7 th years will be sharing a dorm, two boys and two girls. I have you two down for the 5th floor beside the perfect bathroom. And the two boys are. Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Zabini."

"Are you searuis? Us with them? We will kill each other profe.." Hermione started

"You will not kill each other. If you get caught fight of any kind you four will be cleaning all the bathrooms and the bathrooms in ever dorm. i am understood?"

"Yes Professor." the girls said quickly.

"Go on to your dorm. on the painting is of two children playing in a park and your password is La Rosa."

The girls nodded and left. They walked to their dorm quitly. They made it to their dorms before Flitch found them

"La Rosa." Hermione whispered. The kids nodded and let them in., they didnt look around they went straight up the stairs to their rooms.

1258 words

I'm a veela? She a Greengrass girl? (Dramione and Blinny story)Where stories live. Discover now