back at the minor with the Malfoy's

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You know that I'm a crazy bitch

I do what I want when I feel like it

All I wanna do is lose control

Oh, oh

But you don't really give a shit

You go with it, go with it, go with it.

'Cause you're fucking crazy rock'n'roll

(Smile Avril Lavigne)

Hermione left the hospital a dew days after finding about the babies. Draco made sure to tell her that he will still be with her no matter what. Mr. Malfoy and Ron was long gone. Gone as in the disappeared no one knows where they are, but they are looking. Ginny spent time with her family well everyone expect Mr. Greengrass as he left the manor to go to work. Blaise stand at the Greengrass manor, but Ginny's mother wouldn't let him into Ginny's room. Hermione is yet to go to her family manor as she fears they will no longer want her when they find out what has happen to her.

Blaise and Draco had talked to Rosana and explain everything expect the rape. Rosana was devastated with what has happen to her child. Rosana had wrote to Hermione everyday even tho Hermione didn't answer her back, but she did read each letter and thought of writing back to her mother, but she didn't know what to say to her.

Draco stayed with Hermione every night. She wouldn't let him touch her tho. Hermione closed herself off from everyone and her Veela was getting pissed when her mate is close to her, but he isn't aloud to touch her. So the day after they come back to the manor the Veela had enough of Hermione withdraw.

In Hermione mind.

Hermione was relaxing when her Veela start yelling at her.

(The bold with be Hermione's Veela)

"Why are you acting like this with our mate"

"I cant stand someone touching me right now."

"I don't care! I need his touch! We need to mate with him soon!!"


Then let me have control! I need to mate with him soon! If not we all die! Even our unborn children. Do you really want to kill two innocent lives? Do you want Draco blood on your hand?"

"You don't understand! The thought of someone touching me makes me sick. I just cant do it. How can I? I shouldn't even be here anymore. Maybe I shouldn't let these kids be born. What if they turn out to be like their fathers? I cant have that!"

"Your so damn stupid. Your suppose to be the brightest witch of her generation."

"What do you mean? I'm not stupid."

"You are at the moment. Listen to me Hermione. You can have these children and raise them to be better then those knavery people. Our children will help us grow and when We have children with our mate it will be better. NOW LET HIM TOUCH US OR I AM TAKING OVER UNTIL I HAVE A CHILD WITH HIM!"

"You do make a point. I will let him touch me, but I am not ready to mate with him."

"You have until New Years or I am taken over."



Draco Pov

I watched has Hermione laid on her bed shaking her head back in forth. I couldn't tell if she was having an nightmare or if she was talking to her Veela. I stood by the door waiting to see what happens next. I just come up from talking to my mom once again about everything. My mom got her mate back, but he has to stay at St. Mungo for a month or so. At least that's what I believe my mom said. I slowly walked towards Hermione's bed and sat down at the foot of her.

I'm a veela? She a Greengrass girl? (Dramione and Blinny story)Where stories live. Discover now