What day is it?

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My friends all tell me maybe I should seek a psychic

They tell me just beware I may or may not like it

But either way I know I need to get some answers

About where I stand with him

How do I know, I need to know

If he's for real won't you please let me know

Or is he just playin, what's your magic card show

Something bout when he's here makes me not see so clear

Does your crystal ball show any lovin at all


No one Pov

Hermione laid against the wall. She couldn't tell how long she been in that basement. She still yet to find out how the lady was that took her. But Hermione found out there is another person in the basement with her. James Grant has been in the basement for years, he don't know how long he been there. But Hermione could tell its been years since he been out of the basement. She tried to get information from him but he couldn't remember, but he did remember he had a mate out there that was still waiting for him.

"Mr. James, do you recall your mate's name?" Hermione had whispered to the boney man beside her.

"Her name is Narcissa Black. I wish I knew what had happen to her." James barely whispered.

"I think I know who your talking about. She is my mate's mother. She is married to Lucius Malfoy."

"Why didn't I see that coming. That man has always wanted her, she rejected him so many times."

"What do you mean?"

"Lucius was pissed when he found out that she was going to marry me the night with left Hogwarts for good. He kept telling me I will go missing and she would go to him for comfort."

"I'm sure he has something to do with both of us disappearing. I am mate to his son Draco, well I am a muggle born. Well I thought I was a muggle born until a few days ago I found out I am a pure-blood. I am related to the Zabini family."

"Wait your the daughter of a Zabini and your down here? Do anyone know who you are?"

Hermione shock her head, she wonder why James had freaked out. Was there something about her family that she doesn't know? She knew that the Zabini family was very close to the dark lord, but none ware the mark. Blaise had explain that even thou the Dark Lord wanted them to wear the mark, their father had made an agreement of some kind to keep his family from wearing the mark.

"Why does it matter? They wouldn't care anyways. They would think I was lying and kill me quicker." Hermione asked, she let the tears slip down her dirty checks.

"It matters because is your a Zabini and this family is asking for a war. Everybody knows that the Zabini family is power full. They are believed to be related to one of the founder family of Hogwarts and they are powerful, even more powerful then the dark lord." James told her. He didn't want the girl to be the girl he believed her to be.

"I see you to have been talking. And yes James she is a Zabini and no I do not care if they find out If I have her. They can have her back after my daughter marries Draco." the lady said. She still yet to tell them who she was or who her daughter was. "My daughter has been after Draco for years now and he wants to chose some whore of her! I will not aloud it to happen, I already sent a letter to the Malfoy family telling them what the plan is. James dear you may want to keep your mouth shut for this next part."

"WAIT! You said your daughter has been after Draco for years? Your daughter is Pansy isn't it?" Hermione asked.

"Why did I guess I figured out why they call you the bright witch of the era. Yes my daughter is Pansy. And I will make sure my daughter has what she wants." Mrs. Parkinson said before she left.

Both Hermione and James grow quit after she left, neither could think of anything to say. Hermione had made a plan to get both of them out of that basement and get that crazy witch sent to hell.


Draco has been pacing in his room for three days now. Almost four days ago Hermione was kidnapped and no one knew what to do. He tried to use his Veela to find her but he couldn't find her. He kept pacing in the room which felt to small for him. Draco open his window to allow air in the stuffy room. Once he had open the window did a gray and white owl flew in. The owl landed on his deck, Draco went to the owl and got the letter off his leg. He began to read the letter.

"Mr. Malfoy,

I do have your dear mate, I will return her to you, but you will have to marry my daughter. I will kill the mudblood if you reject my daughter. If you wish to see her once more you will do what I say. I will bring my daughter over in a few days. Remember don't do anything crazy. I do have eyes on you at all times. I will make sure your mate is dirty inside and out as long as you keep looking for her. Tell your mother her mate says hello as well.

Soon to be mother-in-law"

That was all the letter said, Draco ran out of his room to his mother privet room, no one knew about the room, but him and his mother. Once he got inside he saw his mother in the middle of the room crying.

"Mother." Draco whispered.

"Draco, what is the matter?" Narcissa asked.

"Its Hermione mother. I got a letter a few minutes ago and well who ever has her has your mate as well. At least that is what the letter says. Mother, who would want to hurt us so madly?" Draco started to cry.

Draco's Veela didn't like being away from his mate for this long. He was beyond pissed, he wanted his mate back now! Draco handed his mother the letter and let her read it. Narcissa read the letter for a few minutes she recognized the hand writing. It was the same hand writing that sent a letter to Narcissa after her mate had disappeared.

Draco thought about the letter some more. He seen that hand writing before, but he just couldn't remember where. He left his mum to go back to his room, once he got back to his room he started looking for his old letters he have gotten over the years. He was glad he didn't throw them in the fire. He found all the letters in a box inside of his closet. He dumped the letters out and started to go through them all.

He went through 200 letter before he found the letter he was looking for. The letter he was looking for was from Pansy mother. This letter read

"Dear Draco,

It was good to hear from you. Pansy has been doing better, but the healers believe she wont make it much longer. I been trying to find the best healer out there for her, but I can't find one. The healer that has been looking out for her believe muggles might be able to help her.

The mudblood healer don't know what she talking about. Please come over soon, I know she will love to see you my dear boy. I have talked to your father, he had agreed to allow you and Pansy to get marry before your 18th birthday. It would please the Dark Lord as well as your father and I

Mrs. Parkinson"

Draco had forgot about this letter, he was planning on marrying Pansy when he was a boy, but he just couldn't marry her anymore. He took the letter and went back to his mother room, he didn't find his mother in there this time. He left the letters in the room for her to read them. He left the room and went outside. Draco made sure to have his broom with him this time, Draco flew to Blaise manor to fill him in on his plan.

I'm a veela? She a Greengrass girl? (Dramione and Blinny story)Where stories live. Discover now