the day before school

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With her wine-stained lips, yeah, she nothing but trouble

Cold to the touch but she's warm as a devil

I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul

She takes 'til I break and I can't get more

(Nick Jonas Chains)

Ginny waited for Hermione to come back to the barrow. She knew Hermione didn't want to be around Ron when she is there. But of course her mum wouldn't let her go to Hermione's until school started. So Ginny talked Hermione to come there.

Ginny was sitting on the couch when she heard her parents fighting again. This was the fourth time she heard them fight about her. She sat there and listen to them.

"Aruther she doesn't need to know about that!" Molly Weasley yelled.

"But Molly she needs to know!" Aruther yelled back.

"Why does she need to know she was taken away from them?"

"Molly they are her parents. I know you love her like she your own but they are her parents, They been looking for her since she showed up here!"

"I will not let you take my daughter away from me!"

"Molly she is a Greengrass. We cant keep her here no more!"

"I AM A WHAT!!!" Ginny yelled in the living room.

"Ginny dear, how much of that did you just here?" Molly asked.

"I heard it all! What do you mean I am a Greengrass?" Ginny snapped.

"Ginny Weasley you stop yelling at me right now!" Molly yelled.

"You have no right to tell me what to do!" Ginny yelled

"I am your mo.." Molly tired to say.

"Your nothing to me Molly." Ginny stopped her.

Ginny stomped away from them and up to her room. She began packing. She packed everything she owned. she left all of her pictures behind but the pictures of her and her friends. Ginny got a piece of paper and a quill to write to Astoria Greengrass.

"Dear Astoria,

Hello Astoria, My name is Ginny Weasley. I am not sure if I should be the one to write you or not. I was just told I was a member of your family. I know you don't know me, but I was wondering if there was any way you could help me.

Molly and Aruther had told me I was taken as a baby, I am not sure if this is even true. Is there anyway you will be able to help find out? I am sorry if this isn't true. I just need help finding out.


Ginny had sent the letter off. She kinda hope she was related to Astoria. Astoria was a beautiful girl, and smart, that what Ginny knew of her. She laid down on her bed, when she heard a knock on the door.

She didn't move or say anything, she just laid there.

"Ginny open the door." Hermione asked gently.

"The door unlock mione." Ginny whispered.

Hermione walked in the room to find Ginny laying on her bed staring at the celling. Neither said any nothing. Hermione had sat in the chair beside the window. The window open wide enough to allow the air to come into the room.

Pek Pek Pek on the window.

Both girls jumped and soon laughed when they relies it was an black owl. Hermione took the letter off it leg and give it a treat. There was two letters, one for each girls. Hermione handed Ginny her letter before reading her own.

"Dear Ginny,

I am not sure if i will be of any help to you. But I do know my mom had a child taken from her before she had me. They are still looking for her. My mom doesn't talk about her in front of us. She says she feels her other daughter is still alive. I feel like my mom would have more informative about this. But seeing how we have to go back to Hogwarts tomorrow, I did ask my mom more about it.

She said she is willing to come to Hogwarts after a few days of being there. She does want to talk to your parents about this. Maybe they can figure out what is going on. I will talk to you more at school.



"Dear Hermione.

We was informed that you was adopted. We will want to do an DNA test on you and all of the pureblood families. We are hoping that we can find your real parents. I had already talk to the headmistress. She understands what we need from her.

Please come in on the following date so we can do the testing. 12/23/1998

Thank you,

Ministry of magic".

Both girl started talking really fast that neither heard what the other had said. They started laughing.

"I'm adopted!" Hermione yelled.

"I might find my real family." Ginny laughed.

"Well damn Gin. This year sure be fun. Maybe we can leave early, so we don't have to deal with them."

"If we can get up early enough we can."

The girls laughed again before laying down. Neither one felt like eating. They ignored all the knocks on the door.
862 words

I'm a veela? She a Greengrass girl? (Dramione and Blinny story)Where stories live. Discover now