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I saw you with your new girl just yesterday

And I feel that I must confess

Even though it kills me to have to say

I'll admit that I was impressed

Physically just short of perfection

Gotta commend you on your selection

Though I know I shouldn't be concerned

In the back of my mind

(Walk Away Paula Deanda)

Ginny Pov

The time Hermione was missing I couldn't help but worry about Draco. He was paler then normal, he wouldn't talk to anyone. Blaise had tried to get him to relax just a little bit, but Draco snapped at him. I watched as Blaise slowly grow angrier, he was worried about Hermione and I couldn't blame him. She was his sister after all.

The day Draco found out who had Hermione, he sent me an letter explain what had happen and where he was going. The letter Draco sent read..


I am telling you I'm going to Parkinson manor, yes I mean pansy house. Her mother is the one that took Hermione. I am planning on going and getting her. I also found out that Mary Parkinson has my mother's mate.

Tell Blaise to head to St. Mungo and warn the healers we will be coming there once I get Hermione.


I made sure to get Blaise before flooing to St. Mungo's. Once we got there we found the head healer and warned him what was about to happen. Once we finish telling him what going on Mrs. Malfoy popped in the middle of the room with three body with her. Mrs. Malfoy fell to the floor with the three bodies. She let two of the bodies go, but the third body she growled when someone come to close.

"Mrs. Malfoy?" I asked

"Who are you?" She growled.

"I am Hermione and Draco's friends. You have someone in your arms, the healers need to check him out and make sure he is alright. Can you let him go?" I whispered to her.

"NO!" She growled louder.

"Mrs. Malfoy, is he your mate?"

"How did you know about that?"

"I am Blaise mate. I won't let no one harm him, Mrs. Malfoy. I will stay with you and him while the healers check on him okay?"

"Fine. But I will only let male healers around him. I don't want no more females near him."

I nodded to her and helped her get her mate into a room. I sat down in the corner and held her. I wasn't about to leave her alone. Not when her own son was being seen as well.

"Mrs. Malfoy can you tell me what happen?" I whispered to her.

"Draco got a letter saying her have to marry someone daughter before he could get Hermoine back. But I knew the hand writing. I went to Lucius about it and we got into an argument, I went back to my room and found Draco's letter sitting there and I saw another letter with it. I say the letter was from Mary, Pansy's mother. I went to their manor and I knew where they would hide Hermione. I went to the dungeons, but when i got down there it I didn't plan on finding my mate there. Hermione made sure I got him out. When we was leaving Mary was standing there waiting for us, she had done something to Draco, Draco was passed out on the floor behind her. Hermione lost her control and went to Draco. I don't know what happen next." she explain.

I knew Harry was standing there when I asked her the question. I didn't want him to try to talk to her, she was already upset as it was. I held on her some more, I wasn't going to let her go. I looked over to Harry and he just nodded and left.

"Mrs. Malfoy, you did a wonderful job getting them all here." I told her.

"Mrs. Malfoy, do you know who this guy is?" healer Mark asked.

"His name is James Grant. He is the last Grant there is. He is my mate as well." Mrs. Malfoy.

"He is the last Grant? Are you sure about this? He was told to be dead." healer Mark questioned her.

"Look if she says he is the last Grant then its true. Mrs. Malfoy have no reason to lie about her own mate." I snapped at him.

I couldn't believe what is was hearing. I didn't think there was anymore Grants. It was said that 20 years ago the last Grant son had ran away and killed himself. They found a body in his family home, but they couldn't be for sure if it was him or not.

"Leave my mate alone." a shaking voice said so low.

"James!" Mrs. Malfoy ran to him.

I got up and left them to themselves.
Blaise Pov

I watched as the healers was working on Hermione. She was bleeding badly, they didn't know how she survived with how much blood she lost. The healers closed all the wounds and gave her regeneration potion. I watched as they try to figure out what happen to Draco. They didn't know what to do with him.

I waited until the healers left the room before I moved my sister into the same bed as my best mate. Once they was laying beside each other I notice Draco started to move. Draco started to wake up with Hermione next to him.

"About time mate." I said.

"Where am I?" Draco asked.

"Your at St. Mungo's. Bloody fool. Why did you go there alone?"

"I wasn't planning on going alone. I owl Potter for back up. But I guess you see where that got me. That bloody fool sent weasel. Weasel hit me on the back of the head. damn that shit hurt to."

"You went to Harry Potter for help? What the hell was wrong with You?"

"I didn't want you to get into trouble. But while they thought i was knocked out, I found out that weasel and Pansy been hooking up for awhile now."

"Damn mate, she messing with a blood traitor."

I had to laugh after all this time she was picking on him, she had a crush on him. I saw Draco face harden, i couldn't tell what was wrong with him. I was trying to figure what was wrong, but it didn't make sense.

"Blaise, where is my mother?" Draco asked me out of the blue.

"She a few rooms down with some guy and Ginny." I told him.

Draco got out of the bed and went to the door, but before he left he looked back Hermione and smiled. I sat down beside Hermione and waited. I listen to the monitors, as I was listening I heard a second heart beat on the monitor, I knew it wasn't Draco as he left the room. It couldn't be, could it? The healers never said anything about this, this must be why Draco ran out the room when he did.


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