father and son and daughter

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There was a time when I was alone

Nowhere to go and no place to call home

My only friend was the man in the moon

And even sometimes he would go away, too

Then one night, as I closed my eyes

I saw a shadow flying high

He came to me with the sweetest smile

Told me he wanted to talk for awhile

He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me

I promise that you'll never be lonely," and ever since that day

I am a lost boy from Neverland

Usually hanging out with Peter Pan

And when we're bored we play in the woods

Always on the run from Captain Hook

"Run, run, lost boy," they say to me

Away from all of reality

(Lost boy Ruth B.)

Everyone froze when they saw Lucius Malfoy standing in the door way. Hermione and Draco was the first to pull their wards out, but neither moved. Everyone watched the pale blonde walk towards Ginny. Ginny moved away from the man that is claimed to be her father. Ginny was scared what he would do to her.


Hermione Pov

I watched as Lucius walked towards Ginny. I had my ward out and ready to use, but I just couldn't move. I was frozen to the spot I was standing. I believe everyone was frozen where they was. I tried to move, but my body wouldn't let me. I knew I was in fear for losing my children, but I didn't want to lose the only person that I trusted with my life.

"Wh-what do you want?" I heard Ginny mumble.

"I want to finally met my daughter. The only one I wasn't aware of until a few months ago. When my dear cousin told me about you. A few months of having to wait to met you. Well met you as your father." You can hear the happiness in his voice.

"I-I'm not your daughter! You murder people for fun! You raped my best friend!" Ginny shouted.

No one, but my family and Draco's family knew about the rape. Every one Knew I was pregnant, but they thought it was Draco's. I could feel everyone look at me this time. I bow my head in shame. I didn't want Ginny's family to know about the rape, but I guess it couldn't be helped.

"Oh yes. The sweet mudblood. How I miss the taste of her." Lucius laughed.

"You will never get to taste me again!" I yelled.

This time Lucius looked at me with an smirked that could make anyone scream in fear. I pointed my ward at him as he came a little closer towards me.

"Don't worry mudblood. I will figure out what spell you used on my son and I will get my family back. I will not let some little mudblood get in my way." Lucius smiled towards me.

"You will not harm her father!" Draco yelled at his father.

"Son you have no clue what she has done to you. She has everyone under a spell." Lucius said.

"Father if anyone has anyone under a spell it would be me having her under a spell. I always been in love with her, but I just couldn't have her because I followed you. She keeps me on my toes. She doesnt stop agruing with me because she knows what I am talking about. Father just let me be happy. And she is a pure-blood. She is a Zabini. Even if she wasnt I would still marry her." Draco said.

I looked at my mate and smile becasue I knew everything he said was ture. When we agrue its for a reason and neither one of us just walked away or stands there look like we was didnt know what the other was talking about. It was like we was truly made for each other.

I watched as Draco moved closer to his father and his new half sister. Once he was closer to Lucius and Ginny, Lucius grabbed both their arms and disappeared.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Blaise yelled.

Third Pov

Draco and Ginny stood shocked as their father grabbed their arms. Neither knew what was going one. One second they was in front of their friends and family and the next they was in a cold dark house. Both siblings looked at the mad man in front of them, but neither said anything.

"My daughter. You will leave to be a Malfoy. You will stay away from mud-bloods. You will only marry pure bloods and maybe half bloods. Son you will forget that girl and those children of hers. That blood traitor will be there for her soon enough. I know the deal. as long as she isn't dead you will leave." Lucius said coldly.

"I will never be a Malfoy!" Ginny yelled at the mad man in front of her.

"Father, you will not keep me from Hermione." Draco said coldly.

"You can try to leave here, but you will fail. You two will not aloud to leave until I am either dead or I say. I will not allow my children ruin my blood line." Lucius said.

Ginny looked over towards Draco before turning away from both pale blondes. Ginny made her way towards the stairs, but before she got to the stairs she heard Lucius saying "No owls will be aloud in this house as well." Ginny growled at his words. she didn't want nothing to do with the mad that helped made her if he was a nut case.

Draco on the other hand watched as his sister walked up the stairs before turning towards his father. The man that was suppose to love him, but yet this man couldn't stand his son.

"You will not get away with this father. I have to mark Hermione before its to late. I will die soon so will Ginny. Do you really want your two children dead?" Draco asked his father.

"You will not die. You will be in pain for awhile, but not dead. That is how your mother was when her mate disappeared." Lucius said.

"Why are you doing this to us?" Draco asked.

"Because son you are under her spell and your sister needs to know what a Malfoy does and acts. I will not have my children ruin the Malfoy's name. Go to your room now."

Draco left his father and went to find a room to stay in. He try to think of ways to get out of the house, but he couldn't think of any. His mind was clouded. He missed Hermione and they only been an hour or so apart. He couldn't think what the few months maybe years will be like. He knew he had to get Ginny and his self out of the house before it was to late. He didn't know if he would be dead soon or not, but he knew Hermione was scared and in pain.

Draco felt like he was truly lost. Lost in another time and place. He must learn how to hide his feeling once again around his father. He just hoped Ginny would be okay until they find away to get out.

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