Greengrass Manor

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I ran away today, ran from the noise, ran away

Don't wanna go back to that place, but don't have

no choice, no way

It ain't easy growin up in World War III

Never knowin what love could be, well I've seen

I don't want love to destroy me like it did my family

(Pink Family Portrait)
No one Pov

When Ginny left the Weasley's burrow she went to check on Hermione. Once she got to the hospital she went to the room she knew Hermione was in. Ginny knocked on the door.

"Come in." Someone whispered on the other side of the door.

Ginny walked in the room and saw Hermione on the uncomfortable bed with a book in her hand and Draco beside her passed out in an uncomfortable away. Ginny wen to the bed and sat at the foot of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" Ginny asked.

"I could be better. The healer said I can go home tomorrow. Well back to the manor." Hermione eyes lite up when she spoke.

"That's great new Mia." Ginny smiled at the dark hair girl in front of her.

"What's wrong Gin?" Hermione asked concern for the red head.

"Well you will hate me when I tell you this."

"What happen Ginny?"

"I may or may not of try to kill Ronald for what he did and told the rest of the Weasley family about the baby."

"It's okay. I kinda understand why you did it. Ron was never a bad person just misunderstood. The boy was clueless on a lot of things, but I know that's not what is bothering you."

"After I finish trying to kill Ron, Harry asked me to talk to him and we went outside. long story short he asked me to get back with him. The only reason he left me was because he was stressed back Ron wouldn't shut up about you and I went back to Hogwarts."

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him the truth. I told him I still loved him, but I was with Blaise and I wasn't leaving Blaise because Blaise is my mate. I don't want his death be on my hands. But for some reason I feel bad about it all."

"It maybe because you love Harry for so long you don't want to hurt him, but you also know that with your heart and soul you and Blaise are just to perfect together."

Ginny nodded at her best friends. Neither said anything after that. Hermione went back to reading her book while Ginny was thinking if she did the right thing or not. Ginny looked at the time and saw it was almost 3. She remembered she had to meet the Greengrass family in an hour.

"Hermione I have to go. I got to meet the Greengrass family in an hour." Ginny said as she stood up.

"Then get you butt out of here." Hermione laughed.

The girls hugged each other before Ginny disappear. Hermione started to feel tried once again so she closed her book and laid down.


Ginny's Pov

I got to the Zabini manor when I saw Astoria knocking on the door.

"Astoria!" I called for her.

Astoria turned around and saw me. "There you are. I been trying to find you for awhile now. Lets hurry we have to get you dress." Astoria said bubbly. I nodded and we went inside the Zabini manor and straight to my room. My room was kept neat due to the fact I was in someone else's home and I was just a guest here.

I'm a veela? She a Greengrass girl? (Dramione and Blinny story)Where stories live. Discover now