Manor Day 1

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They got a lotta girls

Who know they got it going on

But nothing's ever a comparison to you

Now can't you see that your the only one I really want

And everything I need

Is everything you do?

Any girl walk by, don't matter

'Cause your looking so much better

Don't ever need to get

Caught up in jealousy

She could be a super-model

Every magazine... the cover

She'll never, ever mean a thing to me...



The four friends got off the train, they notice a group of red heads coming towards them. Blaise pulled Ginny behind him, he didn't want her near them. They moved away from the door when Draco saw his mother coming towards them as well.

Draco pulled Hermione with him to his mother, Hermione had Ginny's hand and Ginny had Blaise hand. Once the four of them had reached Mrs. Malfoy, they saw that the Weasley family was standing close by.

"Ginny dear, lets go home." Mrs. Weasley said.

"I'm not going home with you." Ginny snapped at her "mother".

"Yes you are Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley snapped.

"I told you before I left the burrow I wasn't coming back. I will be staying with Blaise and the Greengrass family." Ginny said walking away.

Mrs. Weasley grabbed Ginny's arm and pulled her toward the rest of the Weasley family. Ginny tired to get out of Molly's grip but she couldn't. Blaise went to Ginny and gently pulled her to him. Once Ginny was in Blaise arms, did he notice five wards pointed at him.

"I will not allow my daughter to go home with a death eater!" Molly yelled.

"Mrs. Weasley I would like you to put your ward down and get it out of my godson face at this moment." Mrs. Malfoy said.

"You have nothing to do with this Narcissa." Molly said.

"Your right she doesn't, but I do. Now remove your wards before I hex you all!" Hermione snapped.

They all looked a the girl they thought as a family member. When they saw her, she was different. Her hair once brown and wild was now black and curly, her brown eyes was black as her hair. Hermione had lost all control of her Veela.


Hermione Veela Pov

I watched as the red head family slowly put their wards away. I knew Blaise was my brother, but I didn't want my human to find out this way. I went over to my brother and his mate. I made sure Ginny wasn't hurt, she had a red mark around her wrist, but no bruises.

"You will not come near her again." I looked at the oldest Weasley. I knew she was Ginny's "mum" but I didn't care.

"Hermione what is wrong with you?" George Weasley asked?

"What is wrong with me? Let me see, I was given up from my family, you just hurt my brother's mate. I am a Veela and I am beyond pissed with you damn red heads! Tell Ronald if he lays a head on me again I will hex me so bad the healers wont know what to do with him!" I snapped.

I'm a veela? She a Greengrass girl? (Dramione and Blinny story)Where stories live. Discover now