Christmas plus date night

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I've become so numb, I can't feel you there

Become so tired, so much more aware

I'm becoming this, all I want to do

Is be more like me and be less like you

Can't you see that you're smothering me,

Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control?

'Cause everything that you thought I would be

Has fallen apart right in front of you.

(Numb Linkin Park)


Christmas morning everyone was asleep expect one person. This one person was getting everything ready for their plan. The plan to win the girl's heart he has fall for, but he doesn't know if it will work with everything that has happen to her. Draco was in the back yard finding away to keep the place warm where he had wanted to take Hermione to. He had a few help him well the others made breakfast for everyone. He had everything planned out for their date.

The clock struck 8 o'clock. The everyonr was waking up. At the Malfoy's manor you have Draco, Hermione and Cissa. At the Zabini's manor you have Rosana, Ginny and blaise. And lastly at the Greengrass's manor you have Astoria, Dahpne and Eline and Matthew. Tho Matthew Greengrass was not happy to go to the Malfoy's fo see is lost daughter. (All will be explain soon why Matthew does not like Ginny)
Each family started to get ready for their met up. They all ate the breakfast before flooing to the Malfoy's.

The Malfoy had the living set up for this day. All the Malfoy's will be there expect Mr. Malfoy. First to be at the Malfoy manor was the Greengrass then the Zabini.

"Hermione can you come here please?" Blaise Zabini asked from across the room.
"Give me a moment Blaise. Im woth Mrs. Greengrass." Hermione called out.
"Oh dear ho see what the boy wants. We can talk later." Eline smile at the yoing witch before her.
"I will be back shortly then." Hermione smiled.

She  made her way over to the tall dark hair boy. Once she got to him, she saw a beautiful women with black hair passed her butt. She stood tall in her high heels. Hermione admire this woman that stood with her brother. She held an smile on her face that closer she got to two people.

"Hello. I am Hermione." Hermione smiled to the beautiful women.

"Hello there Hermione. I am Rosana Zabini." Rosana was happy to finally see her daughter.

"Oh..Um.." Hermione was lost for words.

"Wow someone was able to make Hermione lost for words." Blaise laughed.

"I would shut it Blaise. I will hex you so bad no one will know how you are." Hermione growled at her younger brother.

"Don't threaten me sister." he laughed.

"Blaise don't be rude to your sister." Rosana said smacking her son in the back of the head.

Blaise, Hermione and Rosana stood in the condor talking away. While on the other side of the room was Ginny talking to Draco about his plan. As the to friends talked their mothers where talking as well. everyone was talking, but Draco kept an close eye on Hermione. He didn't want noting to happen to her once again.

"Time for present!" Cissa yelled.

Cissa watched as her son pulled his mate to his lap and Blaise had done the same with Ginny. She knew that Ginny was a Greengrass, but she didn't act or look like them. She watched as Rosana sit in between the two couple and Astoria sat on the other side of Ginny and Blaise. Eline and Matthew and Daphne saw away from everyone. Cissa handed out the presents.


A few hours after presents

The family was sitting in the living room talking to each other, but no one notice Draco had pulled Hermione out of the room. He pulled her out side to the garden where everything was set up for their date.

Hermione's eyes were covered as they walked, but to Hermione it felt like they have been walking for miles. Once they gotten to were they needed to be Draco removed the blindfold from Hermione's eyes. Once she open her eyes she saw a table in the middle of the garden with two candles lite on the table, but there was enough light for her to see around her. She saw the rose paddles around the table.

"Oh my Draco this amazing. It beautiful." Hermione turned around to see Draco blushing.

"I do hope you like it Mia." Draco smiled.

"I love it Draco." She hugged him.

Once they was done hugging they went to the table and sat down and waited for the food. The food was soon there, they ate in silent, for once they wasn't fighting or throwing up the past. They sat their staring out each other neither knowing what to say to the other. It took Draco a few more minutes before he started talking to Hermione.

"How are you and the babies?" Draco asked.

"We are fine I guess." Hermione whispered.

"Do you want the Weasley to know?"

"I don't know."

"If you want to tell them that's fine. Even if you don't want to that's fine as well. I will be here to help with them."

"I know you are Draco. I just don't want to think about it just yet. With everything going on it makes it harder for me to think about what happen."

"I understand."

Neither knew what to say. Neither wanted to say anything or do anything. Hermione knew something was happening to the babies, but she doesn't know what it is or how to tell anyone. She could feel the pain in her stomach, but it wasn't the pain for a miscarriage. It was the kinda pain that when something big was about to happen soon. Draco was thinking about the children in his mate's womb. He wanted to be the only person to get her pregnant, but he knew he would still love them like is own and spoil them no matter what Hermione says. Draco just wanted her to be happy even though she had to go through everything she did, tho she didn't remember what happen.

"Draco?" Hermione whispered his name.

"Yes Granger?" Draco answered.

"I want to k-keep the babies, but I don't know if I will let anyone around them." Hermione said.

"If you don't want people around them that is fine, but remember my mother and your mother will want to help along with Ginny and Blaise."

"Oh I know, but I want to be alone with them for the first few months. Away from everyone."

"We can go any-"

"No Draco I mean just me."

Draco froze he look at the women sitting across from him. "What the hell do you mean Hermione! I am not letting you out of my sight again! I don't want what you say. We will leave when ever you want, but we will leave together!"

"Draco I know what you mean, but this isn't something I want you to see me go through."

"I am always going to be with you Mia and I will see you at your worse and I will see you at your best. Just like you will see me at my worse and see me at my best. That will be like this until we die."

Hermione didn't say anything, she knew he was right. They was mates after all. He would have to see her go thou so much more then give birth to children that isn't his. Children that wasn't fully Malfoy's. That was the last thing she wanted to worry about. One child was his father while the other was her ex boyfriend. She nodded at him and grabbed his hand. She could deal with just him see her, but no one else.

After the couple sit outside in the cold a little longer they finally went inside to get warm. They got inside and saw Ginny and Blaise dancing around like fools, Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass talking in a condor way from everyone, no one can hear what they was talking about. Mrs. Malfoy was talking to Astoria and Daphne. The happy couple walked towards their dancing friends and began dancing around with them.

I'm a veela? She a Greengrass girl? (Dramione and Blinny story)Where stories live. Discover now