the day before the Manors visit

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We don't wanna neva end

It's like our life has just began

You walkin' out, You comin' back again

'Cause we became the best of friends

You got all the questions and I know all the answers

I took your hears, girl, holding it up for ransom

( Future Neva End)
No One Pov

Draco and Hermione finish their packing to leave two days before. While Ginny and Blaise waited until the night before. At the moment all four friends were sitting in the common room laughing when someone knocked on the painting. Three of the four pulled their wards out well one just got up and went to see who was at their domes so late.

Hermione opened the door to find the Greengrass sisters standing there.

"Can I help you?" Hermione asked.

"Is Ginny in there?" Daphne asked rudely.

"Why are you looking for her Greengrass?" Hermione snapped.

"Please can we come inside and talk? This isn't matter to be heard out here." Astoria Spook quietly.

Hermione walked back to her sit next to Draco when the two sisters came in after her. The three friends put their wards down when they saw who it was. Blaise hugged Astoria which got him a growl from Ginny.

"What do we owe the pleasure of you two being here this late at night?" Draco asked sweetly, which got him a growl as well. But this growl was more threatening then Ginny's was. "Clam down my love. You know your my one and only."

"Watch it Malfoy!" Hermione snapped.

"Look we are just here to talk to Ginny not to get in the middle of you two." Daphne said.

"What do you need to talk about?" Ginny asked.

"Our mother would like you to visit over break." Daphne answered.

"I would love to met your mother. What day does she want me to come over?" Ginny smiled.

"She wants you to spend all of break with us, but we already told her you will be staying with Zabini, she said to come over one Christmas eve and spend a couple of days with us if your okay with that?" Astoria answered this time.

"I would love that very much, but would your mother be okay if Mione comes with me?" Ginny tired to hide her embarrassment.

"We can ask her tomorrow, I am sure she wouldn't mind that, as long as Potter and your brother don't show up there." Daphne said.

"Its wont happen. Harry seeing someone else and Ron is just a git." Hermione spook this time. All six of them laughed.

"We need to go. It was talking to you Ginny." the sisters said together.

"Goodnight girls." Draco purred.

Hermione growled at him, he laughed. Draco loved it when Hermione Granger got mad at him. He found it adorable. The two sisters had left and the four friends had began to drink, thanks to Blaise for bring into the school. They all passed out in the common room, Hermione laid on the couch on top of Draco. Blaise had chance on of the arm chairs to a bed for him and Ginny.


Draco Pov

I woke up to my head killing me, I remembered we was all drinking before we passed out. I moved Hermione off top of me and went and got the hangover potion out of my room, I had four viles of it. I grabbed all of them, I took mine as I walked down the stairs. I saw it was almost 10, I know the girls wanted to leave for the train early. I woke Hermione up first.

I'm a veela? She a Greengrass girl? (Dramione and Blinny story)Where stories live. Discover now