The day before Christmas

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You took all there was to take,

And left me with an empty plate

And you dont care about it, yeah.

And I am givin' up this game

Im leaving you with all the blame cause

I dont care, yeah, yeah yeah,

Could you look me in the eye?

And tell me that youre happy now, oohh oohhh

Would you tell it to my face or have I been erased,

Are you happy now? Ohhh, ohhhh

Are you happy now?

(Are you happy now? Michelle Branch)

The four friends was happy when their families wanted to throw a Little party before New Year's eve. Mrs. Malfoy thought it was the best way for Hermione to met her mother before the big party. While Mrs. Greengrass thought it was a good idea to find out more about the Zabini's, as they wasn't the closest of friends. But sooner or later they will become one family just like the Zabini and Malfoy's will become family. Each mother of the four friends wanted to talk about wedding Ideas. The Three families went out shopping for everyone presents. The mothers left the four teenagers alone to do their own shopping.


Mrs. Malfoy, Mrs. Greengrass and Mrs. Zabini walked a different way then their children and met up in front of an old book story. None of the women knew what to get for their kids. Mrs. Greengrass has it the hardest, for she have three she need to get for. She knew what to get for two of her daughters, but her middle child was the hardest. She didn't know what Ginny would like or even want. So be began with the oldest and youngest daughters before going to her middle daughter.

Mrs. Zabini was almost in the same boat as Mrs. Greengrass. For she knew what Blaise had wanted, but not Hermione. Blaise had told her about Hermione's loves for books, but Rosana didn't want to just get her books.

Mrs. Malfoy knew everything Draco would like, but has already has. What do you get a kid that has everything. She looked around in every store, but couldn't find anything yet.

The three mothers walked in to the jewelry store and began searching. Each had found something they knew their kids would like. Cissa(Mrs. Malfoy) Had gotten Draco an silver ring with an red gem in the middle of it and on the side was and snake and lion. Rosana(Mrs. Zabini) had gotten Blaise and silver necklace with and snake wrapped around and lion, the snake's eyes had green gems and the lion's had dark red. She got Hermione and necklace and ear ring set, but the necklace had a few red and green mixed together while the ear rings were snakes with one eye red and the other green. Eline (Mrs. Greengrass) had gotten Daphne and pearl set that was pure white and for Astoria she had gotten her an bracelet where it adds it own charms when you are happy at the moment. She got Ginny and older necklace that clingy to the neck, it had one small charm of an lion on it.

The mothers went to more stores to finish their shopping.

Hermione Pov

I was with Ginny and Astoria shopping. We went to the muggle Pairs and went to one of the malls. We have been shopping for over three hours and I was tired. I had gotten everyone a present or two. I even gotten Astoria and Daphne something, but it wasn't nothing big like I had gotten Ginny and Draco. I couldn't help myself when it come to Draco. I think he got the biggest present. I made sure to charm my bag before we went into the mall.

Us girls sat down after we gotten some food. We was starving as well as tired.

"Are you two ready to go back? I'm really tired." I asked.

"Sure. I want to find Blaise." Ginny agreed.

"I don't see why not. I'm done shopping. I might do some more shopping once we get back. I need a new dress for the New Year's eve party anyways." Astoria said.

"Shot we need dresses to Ginny." I whined. I cant stand wearing dresses.

"Oh stop the whining Mione. You got to look to best for Draco." Ginny teased me.

I gave up. I finished my food and shortly after I did so did the other two. We left the mall and went back to our world. We went to a small story that sells dresses. Ginny and Astoria found their quickly me on the other hand couldn't find anything that I liked. I kept searching hoping I can find something soon.


Blaise Pov

Me and Draco walked around town getting what ever we wanted and what we thought our mothers would like. We both got our mates something special. I had gotten Ginny an ear ring set that had blue gems at the end and a promise ring that was in a shape of an snake that looked like it was eating it's own tail. I'm not sure what Draco got Hermione, but I know he was looking for something else for her now.

"What are you looking for mate?" I ask the pale blonde hair boy.

"I'm not sure yet. I want to get something big for Hermione, but I'm not sure what to get her." Draco answered.

"Why don't you just get her some books. you know she wi-" I was cut off.

"I'm not getting her the same things Potter and Weasel gets her ever year." I think he growled.

"Don't cut my head off. Wait why don't you take her out on an date or something." I smiled.

"That's not a bad idea. Thanks Blaise."

I nodded and finish shopping. After awhile we was done getting everything we needed to get. I got everyone something. Including Ginny's new sisters. So we headed different ways. I went the coffee shop that my mom wanted to get something to eat while Draco met up with his mom. When I got to the coffee shop Ginny and my mom was talking with Mrs. Greengrass.

"This is going to be an long lunch." I said to myself.


Draco met up with Hermione and Cissa before going back to the manor. When they got back to the manor they house was different. The house elf's that was still there had cleaned the house and fixed up the living room for the small party tomorrow. Hermione had forced Draco to stay out of her room while she wrapped her gifts for everyone. She hide them back in to her bag knowing Draco would look for them.

She was happy her Veela force her to allow Draco to touch her. She didn't know how much she missed his touch. While Hermione finished up her wrapping Draco was talking to the Elves about helping her out with his date. He didn't want to take her out in public for their first date. He decided to stay at the manor, but to have an small dinner outside in the garden even tho it was cold he wanted to eat out in the snow. The elves helped him set what need to be set up, before returning back to the food dinner.

I'm a veela? She a Greengrass girl? (Dramione and Blinny story)Where stories live. Discover now