ch. 21

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Jimin had spent the day in his room feeling sorry for himself. Jin and the others, but mainly Jin, had tried to talk to him but jimin refused to answer, or even look at them. Jin had tried to bring him his home made rice cakes, but jimin wouldn't take them. He only laid in his bed, bundled up in his blanket.

Not only was jimin in his room, but so was yoongi, doing the same exact thing as jimin, not even a acknowledging anyone's presence.

"God. They're miserable without each other" jin sighed. "Why would they break up if they loved each other so much, and they're obviously upset over it. So why didnt they just stay together"

"I dont know. But people break up all the time despite how much they love each other. Things get in the way. Maybe they both thought it was to Stressful or they just want to focus on BTS right now." Hoseok Pointed out.

Jin sighed. It hurt him a lot to see them both In so much pain.

Jimin got up and walked into the bathroom. He first used the toilet and washed his hands. He stared into the mirror at someone who didnt even look like him anymore. His hair was messy, his face pale but red at the same time, and eyes swollen, puffy and bloodshot.

He looked down at the now healed cuts on his arms, of course, the scars still there.

He sighed and looked around a little. He looked through the drawer and found a pair of scissors.

He took a deep breath and slid one side of the scissors across his arm. It was weird how it didnt even hurt.

A small smile crept on his face as he watched the blood trickle down his arm and fall to the floor drop by drop.

There's was a knock on the door.

"I-im in here" jimin yelled.

"Ahh. Hurry up please" jungkook whined

Jimin sighed and dug the scissors into his arms once again. There were at least 20 cuts Before he started to feel woozy unlike he had ever before.

"Jimin please hurry I have to g-" jungkook was cut off by a loud thud in the bathroom. "Jimin-ah? Are you okay? Jimin?!"

Jungkook took a deep breath and opened up the door. Jungkook screamed at the sight in front of him, jimin laid on the floor, cuts all over his arms and a pair of bloody scissors next to him.

"HYUNGS!!" jungkook yelled.

Everyone immediately stopping in their tracks as their eyes landed on jimin. Jin was the first to rush to his side.

"Jimin? Jimin? Please wake up" jin panicked. "What do we do?! We obviously can't take him to the hospital, word would get out."

"I dont know. I'll call pd" namjoon said, his shaking hand reaching into his pocket to get his phone. He walked to the living Room and began talking to pd.

Jin continued to comfort jimin's passed out almost lifeless body. Jin pressed his fingers to jimin's neck and checked his pulse.

Jungkook and hoseok had began to start crying. Taehyung took jungkook into his arms and held him.

Jin continued to try and wake jimin up. But it wasn't working.

"Someone stay here with jimin for a minute.." Jin said, lifting up jimin's uper body from off of jin's lap and transferring him onto hoseok.

Jin walked over to yoongi room and walked in. Yoongi had his headphones on. Yoongi looked up at jin and looked back down, not bothering to take his headphones off. Jin had to walk over to him and rip them off of his head.

"You need to come out here... Its jimin.."

Yoongi's eyes widened, obviously realizing something was wrong.
He got up quickly and followed jin to the bathroom. Yoongi pushed passed everyone and stopped in his tracks.

"J-jimin?" he said quietly.

Yoongi rushed into the bathroom and to his side. "J-jimin! Please wake up!"

Hoseok stood up and wiped his tears. Tears streamed down yoongi's cheeks as he held jimin tightly in his arms. He still called out jimin's name in a desperate attempt for him to wake up. Namjoon walked back down the hallway as he put his phone in his pocket.

"pd is calling a doctor to come over for jimin. "

Yoongi kissed the top of jimin's head and squeezed him tighter. "Dont worry jimin. Help is coming"

Yoongi looked down at jimin's arms. Both of them were covered in fresh cuts.

Yoongi sighed. He felt as if it were his fault somehow. He felt like jimin starting to cut in the first place was his fault. And now jimin could die and its all his fault.

"L-lets get jimin to his bed." Yoongi Said, standing up and trying his best to pick up jimin.

Jungkook, of course being the strongest had to do it for him, picking up jimin and placing him in his bed. Yoongi put his blanket over him and did everything he could at the moment to make sure he was comfy. Yoongi sat down at the edge of the bed, watching over jimin. He anxiously waited for the doctor, his leg quickly bouncing up and down to keep as patient as possible.

He reached over and grabbed jimin's hand carefully, rubbing his soft skin with his thumb. "It'll be okay".

"Cmon guys. Let's let yoongi have some alone time with him for right now" hoseok suggested, shooing everyone in front of him out of the door with his hands.

"I'm sorry jimin"


Long spicy chapter ;)

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