ch. 29

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(Special ty to jocikpopya for helping me out with this story, more like SAVING MY LIFE. I had no idea what to write for an update. I wanted to be completely honest and tell you guys that This chapter and the chapter after it, maybe even the next couple of chapters depending on how far this idea goes, are not my idea. But I am writing them. I honestly really loved her idea but I dont think you guys will like me after this oopss)

Yoongi and jimin were cuddling In their bed in the hotel room when everyone else busted into the room.

"Ugh. What do you guys want" yoongi asked, bringing jimin closer to him.

"Since we dont have a concert today, we had an idea for your birthday" hoseok smiled.

Yoongi sighed. "What is it"

"We should all go out to the club tonight!" Taehyung yelled.

Yoongi didnt know what to think. Partying and doing anything social in general wasn't his thing. He just wanted to stay in his room with jimin. But his friends spent time to plan this out for him. He didnt want to hurt their- wait a minute he doesn't care about other people's feelings.

"Hell no" Yoongi said, scrolling through twitter on his phone.

"Cmon yoongi. I think it'd be fun" jimin said, sitting up and looking down at yoongi, a smile on his face.

"Jimin? Really? You, Want to go to a club. You're so tiny everyone in there would trample you"

"You're only a centimeter taller than me!"

Yoongi chuckled at jimin and wrapped his arm around his waist.

"Um. So are you going or not?.." Namjoon asked, breaking up yoongi and jimin's "love fest"

"Ugh. Fine. Now get out"

They all sensed yoongi wanted to be alone with jimin and walked out of his room, whispering barely Audible 'what's wrong with him right now?'s to each other.

"Why are you so salty?" Jimin asked, laying back down on his stomach, propping himself up on his elbows and leaning on yoongi.

"I just want to be with you right now" yoongi said, putting his phone down on his chest.

Jimin smiled and pecked yoongi's lips. Yoongi grabbed the sides of jimin's face, making sure to squish them together, chuckling at jimin's distorted face and placing his lips on his.

"Well. Its 7:00. We should start getting ready" jimin said, getting out of the bed and pulling yoongi out of the bed because he refused to get up.

They got dressed and ready and by the time the other members were too, it was 9:00. They all pilled into the van and headed to a club.

As they walked in the overwhelming loud music and slutty, obnoxious people hit them.

Yoongi sighed and started to walk away. " I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this. I'm gonna go sit in the ba-"

"No you're not. You're gonna actually have fun" jimin said, grabbing yoongi's arm and pulling jimin back, causing Yoongi to sigh.

"Cmon. All this is very overwhelming. I'm getting a headache. "

"You know what's good for headaches, alcohol. Let's go" jimin grabbed yoongi's arm once again and pulled Him to the bar.

They ordered a bunch of drinks and in the 30 minute time span they were there, both of Them were completely drunk.

Despite already having about 10 drinks, jimin put his glass on the counter and threw his hand up. "Oh bartendeeeerr"
Hoseok was getting tired so he sat down on the couch, even tho around him on that very same couch there were couples going at it and going a little bit to far.

A very hoeish looking girl walked up to him, sitting on his lap, straddling his legs.

"Um.. I don't know you.. Could you please get off me.."

"Shh" she said, putting her finger on his lips, making hoseok look down at them, his eyes goinf wide and crossed.

"Could you please stop.." Hoseok said, grabbing her wrist and moving it from his lips.

"Oh shut up.." She rolled her eyes and put her hands on the back of hoseoks neck, pulling him to her harshly and connecting their lips. .

Hoseok pulled away and had had it. He pushed her off, being careful not to hurt her.

"Please leave me alone" hoseok said, walking to jimin and Yoongi at the bar. Yoongi was taking a big sip of his drink. And though jimin didnt feel he was drunk, he felt like like he was about to puke.

Jimin's felt like he had to throw up, but he kept pushing it off and ignoring It. But soon it came up, he tried to run to the bathroom but only made it a few steps before.. You know.

"Aish!" He yelled, looking down at himself, it was all over him.

"Jimin are you okay?" Yoongi Asked, not wanting to get to close to him, it kinda smelled.

"Yoongi you sound like you low key dont care though" hoseok laughed.

"I'm fine, just drank to much I guess" jimin looked back at Yoongi and smiled, starting to walk to the rest rooms.

The bartender noticed and walked over to jimin. "Let's go get you cleaned up"

Jimin nodded and smiled awkwardly, following the middle aged man into the bathroom. Of course he felt a bit uncomfortable but he didn't want to decline the mans offer to help, he didnt want to come off as rude.

They walked into the vacant bathroom, everyone else didnt care much to go to the bathroom, they were to busy partying and grinding on each other, to drunk to care about who it was.

The bartender began to wipe his shirt, getting dangerously low to his crotch, making jimin very uncomfortable. Jimin bit his lip, he wanted to bolt out of the bathroom but it felt as if he couldn't.

"You know what. I-i can get it my-myself" jimin stuttered, trying to get the paper towel.

Jimin winced in pain as the man slapped him, pulling the paper towel away from jimin.

"No. I got this" the man said, locking the bathroom door.

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