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Being awoken by someone early in the morning is always a horrible feeling. You feel like beating the hell out of them for disturbing your peaceful slumber. But as I realized who it was, I became a little less cranky.

"C'mon girls, get up!" Laurie shouted as she stepped into our small but cozy cabin. "We have to get breakfast and then we're going canoeing. What do you guys think about that?" She seemed to be quite excited about today's schedule.

I met Laurie just after we came back from breakfast the day before. She was a short girl, around my height, and looked to be in her mid-twenties. She had short blonde curly hair that stopped just below her shoulders and her eyes were a bright green, which I thought went very nicely with her blonde curls. She had given me the day before off from daily activities in order for me to unpack and settle in.

"I think I need another hour to mentally prepare myself for this." Elizabeth mumbled into her pillow. Although I was still half asleep, I let out a short laugh at her comment.

"What do you think, Caroline?" Laurie asked, I still hadn't opened my eyes yet but I figured she had turned to me.

"I'm gonna have to agree with Elizabeth on this one." I answered groggily, opening my eyes a crack to peek at Laurie. She was standing by the door and I watched as she rolled her eyes.

"Just get up." She ordered, turning and walking towards the door. "The boys and I will be waiting for you in the cafeteria." She walked out, leaving Elizabeth and I to drag ourselves out of bed and get ready.

"I call the shower first!" Elizabeth yelled as she sprinted to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.

I was actually surprised that the cabins had plumbing because in movies I always saw the kids taking bath in booths outside and using outhouses. I didn't try to protest against Elizabeth for the bathroom because I had just taken a bath the night before and I felt like there was no sense in taking a bath now if we were going to be in the hot sun all day.

I rolled out of bed and walked over to the dresser that Elizabeth I were sharing. We had two drawers a piece, which I was fine with considering that was all I really needed. I rummaged through my clothes and found a light grey tank top along with a pair of blue jean shorts to wear. I quickly changed and brushed through my tangled hair. I then realized that I needed to brush my teeth but Elizabeth was still in the bathroom.

I walked over to the door and knocked on it gently. "Elizabeth I need to brush my teeth."

"Come on in. You won't see anything." Her voice was muffled due to the door between us. I opened the door and stepped in, without glancing in Elizabeth's direction. I brushed my teeth and decided that I wouldn't wait on Elizabeth since she seemed that she wouldn't be ready anytime soon.

"I'm gonna go ahead to the cafeteria." I told her as I walked out of the bathroom. She sent me an 'okay' and I made my way to the brick building. I walked in and was instantly overwhelmed by the smell of food. I wasn't really all that hungry though.

The cafeteria didn't really look all that big from the outside but when you walked in, it seemed huge. There were about 15 tables all together, though not all of them were used. The walls were an off-white color and the floors were white tiles. Very plain but nice.

"Caroline!" I heard someone call my name and I looked over to see Ashton sitting three tables away with Laurie and the rest of our group. There was two unfamiliar boys sitting with them. One had white hair with a black steak down the middle. He was very pale and skinny. The other had medium brown hair. He looked taller than the other boy but much broader. They both turned and looked at me as Ashton waved me over with a big grin on his face and I retreated over to them.

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