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"I'm gonna fucking kill him!" Calum shouted, his fists clenched by his sides. He began to walk toward Elizabeth and Luke in the woods, but I pulled him back.

"Calum, stop." I ordered and I could already feel the tears pricking at my eyes. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that Luke was cheating on me. Okay, so we weren't together, but we had both made it pretty clear that we had feelings for one another. I felt a pang of hurt in my chest, Luke didn't seem like that guy. He was so sweet and caring, or at least I thought he was.

"No, Caroline!" Calum turned around and shouted, startling me. "He is cheating on you! With Elizabeth!" He threw his hands up.

"He isn't cheating on me," I shook my head, "We aren't boyfriend and girlfriend."

Calum rolled his eyes at me. "That's not the damn point. He led you on and he's been messing around with Elizabeth."

Calum didn't give me time to say anything back before he turned around and started walking over to them again. I grabbed his arm but he yanked it back.

"Hey!" Calum yelled as he approached them, "What the hell do you two think you're doing?"

Luke and Elizabeth's heads snapped in his direction and they quickly pulled apart. I buried my face in my hands as the tears came. I was upset and embarrassed. I was so stupid to fall for Luke's tricks. They all I could think that our "relationship" had been. A trick.

"Luke, how the hell could you do this to Caroline? And you, Elizabeth. You're her friend!"

I heard one of them mumbled something but I couldn't hear them as good as Calum, as he was still yelling.

"She saw it, Luke!" Calum screamed. Luke's head turned in my direction we locked eyes.

"Oh God." I mumbled as I turned around and started to walk away from the whole scene. I wanted to forget it. I felt like balling my eyes out. I couldn't believe that either one of them would do something like that.

"Caroline!" I heard a voice yell, "Please wait!" I knew it was Luke, I knew his voice from anywhere. I blocked him out and sped up, still hearing Calum's voice shouting at Elizabeth behind me.

"Slow down!" Luke called, "Let me explain!"

"I don't want to hear it, Luke." I said, my voice cracking. I really didn't want to speak to him at all. Or ever again.

"You need to understand!"

I stopped and spun around, coming face to face with him. He was closer than I thought.

"What do I need to understand, Luke?" I yelled, taking a step closer to him, "That you've been seeing Elizabeth behind my back? That you lied to me? You don't need to tell me anything, Luke because it's all pretty clear!"

"I didn't mean for this to happen, Caroline." Luke sighed. He ran a hand through his blonde hair and looked away from me.

"How long have you been seeing one another?" I asked, trying to hold back anymore tears that wanted to escape. Luke didn't reply, instead he continued not to make eye contact. "How long?" I repeated.

Luke finally looked at me. "About two weeks."

I felt the tears come out of my eyes but ignored them. Two weeks. He had tricked me for two weeks. And I didn't even have a clue of what he was doing. I was just glad that I found out about it early on, and that it didn't go on for any longer.

"I don't understand," I shook my head as I wiped away the tears, "You act like you don't even like her and come to find out, you're fooling around with her!"

"She's different now," Luke sighed again, "I don't know. She's changed or something. Elizabeth isn't the same Elizabeth she was before."

"Why didn't you just tell me that you wanted her, instead of just leading me on? If you had just told me the truth, I would have been fine." The fact that he didn't tell me how he felt hurt just as much as what he had done.

"Because I do like you, Caroline." Luke stepped closer to me, "I'm just really confused right now."

Anger boiled up inside of me and I couldn't contain it. I pushed Luke back from me.

"How could you do this?" I pushed him again, "You don't like me! You don't hurt people that you care for!"

Luke grabbed my arms and pulled me into him, crashing his lips to mine. He kissed me forcefully and tightened his grip on my arms. I pulled back from him and tried to wiggle out of his grip. After much effort, I pulled free and shoved him again.

"What the hell is your problem? You think a kiss will fix this, Luke?" I kept pushing him back and yelling profanities at him. Luke would stumble but he didn't try to stop me from pushing him.

"Hey!" I heard a voice yell and then felt two arms wrap around my waist as they tried to pull me back from Luke. But I wasn't giving up that easy. I dragged the person who was trying to pull me back along with me as I kept trying to hit Luke. "Jude, help me!" That's when I recognized the voice. It was Calum.

Jude came over and grabbed my arms, pinning them by my side as he and Calum dragged me away from a very flustered looking Luke. I heard someone crying and turned my head to see Elizabeth standing there with her hand over her mouth and tears staining her cheeks. I couldn't believe that the two people that I thought I could trust the most had hurt me. They were supposed to be there for me, but instead they stabbed me in the back.

"I'm so sorry, Caroline." Luke shook his head as I cried into Calum shoulder. Calum wrapped his arms around my shoulders and we began to walk away. Jude walked over to the side of the road to pick up the snacks that he had gotten from the cafeteria, there being much more than we actually needed.

"Me too." I heard Elizabeth whimper.

I lifted my head and turned around to look at them. Luke stood there motionless and Elizabeth was now by his side, wiping at her cheeks.

"Fuck you, both." I cried.


its short i know im sorry

So yeah some of you saw that coming and i actually hated writing this chapter

Camp will be over after a few more chapters i think but i might write a sequel idk let me know if you want a sequel or not

-falloutcalum :)

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