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"Why?" A voice spoke as I walked into my cabin, startling me and causing me to almost fall through the screen door. Elizabeth rolled over and stared at me, her blue eyes sending an obvious glare my way though it was dark.

"Why what?" I asked calmly, sitting down on my bed and pulling off my shoes. I had no idea what she was referring to so I gave her a puzzled look.

"Why does he like you and not me?" She questioned, no longer looking at me but the ceiling of the hot cabin.

"Who?" I had a feeling of who she was talking about but I didn't say.

"Luke." She said as if it was supposed to be obvious, and it was.

I sighed, trying to find the right words so that I wouldn't hurt her feelings. "He likes you, Elizabeth. Stop worrying about it so much." I knew it would be best not to tell her what had just happened at his cabin a few minutes before, it would only hurt her more.

"He doesn't like me the way I want him to like me, Caroline. I've spent three years trying to be noticed by him, trying to get him to show a hint of interest in me and I can't. Then you come along and he's practically bowing down to you. I just don't get it." She sighed deeply. I knew she was drunk and just trying to get all her feelings out but I was really tired and didn't want to hear it right now. She was constantly worried of what Luke thought, and I felt bad for her, I did. But she was going to drive herself crazy.

"Luke is not bowing down at my feet, Elizabeth." I mumbled as I lied down on my bed and climbed under the covers.

"But he is," She groaned, "How do you do it?"

"I don't try." I shrugged lightly, closing my eyes. It was true. I had never tried to get Luke to like me, it just happened.

"Are you saying that I'm trying too hard?" Elizabeth sounded offended by my words.

I opened my eyes slightly and turned to look at her. "I never said that, Elizabeth." It was true but I wasn't going to tell her that, it would crush her and possibly make her mad at me.

"You implied it." She stated and I heard her shuffle on her bed.

"Take it however you want to, Elizabeth, but Luke does like you, okay?" I was trying to make her feel better but I knew it wasn't working.

"But the thing is, Caroline," Elizabeth sighed, "I'm not sure he does."


The next morning, everyone in the group stayed completely quiet as they ate breakfast. It was because everyone had a hangover, everyone aside from me. The silence was surprisingly bearable though, and Laurie didn't suspect anything. That was until she tried to talk to us.

"How does a game of soccer sound today?" Laurie chirped as she took a sip of her coffee. Everyone groaned in return, Ashton and Elizabeth shaking their heads. I stifled a laugh as Laurie's eyes scanned everyone at the table.

"Are you guys alright?" She asked. Everyone nodded and a few yeahs were sent out.

"Okay, then," Laurie eyed them suspiciously, "Meet me outside in fifteen." She stood from the table with her cup of coffee and made her way out of the cafeteria, but not before sending a questioning look over her shoulder at us.

"Oh my god," Calum groaned, rubbing his temples, "My head is killing me."

"Mine isn't." I smiled, taking a bite of my bagel. Everyone turned and glared at me, causing a small laugh to escape my lips.

"Do we seriously have to play soccer?" Elizabeth groaned as she folded her arms on the table and placed her head on them. For some reason, I actually felt bad for all of them. It was their own fault for getting drunk, but now they were going to have to be active.

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