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"Where did you get all this stuff?" I asked Luke as I walked out of his grip and toward the home-made tent. I looked inside of it and found that there was a blanket, a couple of pillows, and a lantern inside. "And how did you get all of this stuff here?"

Luke shrugged, walking over to me. "I snuck it all out of the supply closet at the lodge, and I used a very big bag to carry it all." Luke pointed to a bag on the other side of the tent.

"All of this had to be heavy." I shook my head at him, upset that he had went through all this trouble for me. I mean, we were at a camp. I didn't really expect for him to try and take me out on dates. It wasn't normal.

"It was, but it was worth it." Luke bent down and gave me a quick peck on the lips before climbing into the tent. I smiled at him as he shifted around, trying to get comfortable. Once he was content, lying on his back, Luke looked up at me.

"Are you coming in or not?" Luke grinned and I rolled my eyes, not being able to resist. I climbed in beside him, took the same position, and scooted close to him. He didn't try to wrap his arm around me or anything. And truthfully, I liked that. I was never one for the whole touchy-touchy relationship. Sure, cuddling was okay, but always having to have your hands on one another sickened me.

"So..." Luke dragged out, looking up at the top of the tent as if it were the most captivating thing, "What's it like in Kentucky?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him and let out a small laugh. "That was a competely random question."

"I just wanna know," Luke laughed, "I've never been."

"Well," I started, "It's pretty hot."

"Wow," Luke scoffed, "Thanks for all the details, Caroline."

"I don't know what to say," I let out a loud laugh, "You know I'm not good at describing things."

"What's your family like?" Luke turned so that he was now on his side, his elbow propped up and his head rested in his hand, "I remember you saying that you had siblings."

"My family is the definition of non-communication," I chuckled, "My brother Kyle stays in his room playing video games, like your average fifteen year-old boy. My sisters both stay in their room playing with dolls and having tea parties, while I sit in mine and read. My dad is always working and mom always finds something better to do than sit down and spend time with us. The only time we actually spend family time together is when we have dinner and no one even talks then. It's pathetic." I had never really thought about any of that until just then. I was always fine with no communication with my family, it didn't bother me. But the more I thought about it, I realized that I actually did care. Families were supposed to bond and relate, that's why they were called relatives, but my family didn't do that. Ever.

I looked over at Luke and found him staring back at me. His eyes were gazing into mine, almost as if he was surprised or utterly at a loss for words.

"Are you okay?" I questioned.

Luke nodded. "Yeah, I just didn't know we had so much in common."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing," Luke cleared his throat, "Nevermind." I stared at him for a few seconds, wanting to know what his words meant but then finally decided to move on.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Luke nodded.

"Why do you hate this place so much?"

Luke stared at me emotionless for a second and then looked away. He scratched the back of his neck and cleared his throat.

"This place is so quiet and reserved. The only people I talk to are you guys. No one really understands me or knows me like they think." Luke stopped and looked over at me, "I guess, I hate it so much because it makes me feel even more alone."

I didn't know what to say about that, so I stayed quiet. I wanted Luke to elaborate more on what he meant but it was really none of my business.

"What about Utah?" I asked him, trying to change the subject, "What's it like there?"


"And you were upset with me earlier for lack of detail." I rolled my eyes at him. I knew Luke had only said one simple word to get back at me, and I actually found it funny.

Luke laughed. "Honestly, it's cool there. In the Winter, people ski and snowboard. You can go and watch, try it even. I think you would like it there."

"Do you snowboard or ski?" The thought of Luke doing one of those brought a smile to my face. I could already picture it.

"I tried skiing once." Luke nodded.


"I fell right on my ass." He let out a loud laugh and I joined him. I figured it had went somewhere along those lines. Luke really didn't seem like the athletic type to me.

"What about your friends and stuff. Do you have a girlfriend?" I joked.

"Sure do," Luke smirked, "And she is way hotter than you."

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes once again. I liked the playful side of Luke, though. I would have liked to see it more than I did.

"I wouldn't mind a girlfriend, though." Luke reached over and began to play with a lock of my black hair, twirling it around his finger.

"Nor I a boyfriend." I smiled up at him and he smiled back, "But under the circimstances, I don't think that would be best at the moment." With the previous fight with Elizabeth, Luke and I both knew us dating would not be a good move at the moment. And we also lived across the country from one another. Dating really wouldn't be the best option. Maybe if we got to the point before the summer was over where we wanted to become a couple, that was fine. But not right now.

"Yeah," Luke nodded, still playing with my hair, "Not at the moment."

"But we could still do this." I reached up and gave Luke a kiss on the lips, it was only a few seconds but it was enough to get a reaction out of him.

"I wouldn't mind that." Luke smirked after we pulled apart and leaned down to connect our lips once more.


This is so short but don't hate me please, i just wanted to post something for you guys. I actually had something different planned for this chapter but decided to wait until later ((sorry))

I posted another story on here ((how the hell am i going to keep up with three stories? Idk)) it's another luke fic ((I'm seeing a pattern here-I'm a luke girl oops))

But yeah if you wanna check it out do it if not i still love you

Love, peace, and chicken grease

P.S. I really like parenthesis (((((())))))(())

-falloutcalum :)

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