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I spent the next few days constantly replaying mine and Luke's date in my mind. That might sound completely weird, but it was true. We actually had a good time on our camp out. The two of us talked about random things, from old friends to cartoon characters. And of course, Luke started to talk about all his favorite comic books. He said that his favorite hero was Batman because he didn't need special powers to do anything, he just had faith that he could defeat people. That very fact of Batman was what made me think that he was a dumb hero. Luke scoffed and said I just didn't understand.

We woke up early the next morning, though we had went to sleep only a few hours before, and headed back to our cabins before Laurie could come and wake us. Luke left the supplies at the campsite and said he would come back later and sneak the them back into the lodge.

It was now 11:30 and I was headed over to Ashton and Jude's cabin, as our whole group was supposed to go there and hang out. Laurie was going to be there as well, she had called off our daily activities so that we could all just sit around and talk. I thought it was weird that she would do that, as it was actually a nice day compared to the usually scorching hot days that were common. But nevertheless, I was headed there because I had nothing better to do.

I trekked down the long dirt road between the cabins, wondering if Elizabeth was going to be at the cabin as well. When Luke and I returned earlier that morning, she wasn't back at our cabin yet. I went to the lodge for a while and read, but when I returned I saw that the bathroom mirror was fogged up, meaning someone had taken a shower. I didn't know if Elizabeth had been waiting for me to leave the cabin so that she could sneak in, but I really hated that she was avoiding me. I knew things were going to be awkward for awhile and I even thought that maybe Luke and I should call things off for awhile but that would only make Elizabeth happy, nobody else.

I saw Luke sitting on his cabin porch, reading a book in his hands. I figured it was a comic book considering that was the only thing had ever seen him read.

"Hey, Luke." I stopped in front at his cabin and walked up to the steps, leaning against the railing. Luke didn't look at me and I rolled my eyes, knowing he hadn't heard me. I walked up the steps and went over to him, snapping my fingers in front of his face. His head snapped up and he gave me a small smile when he saw who it was.

"You really need to work on that," I shook my head at him, "It isn't healthy." I spaced out sometimes, but Luke didn't notice anything at all when he did it. An apocalypse could happen and in the end, if anyone survived they would most likely find Luke in the exact same spot he was in before the whole mess occurred.

Luke didn't answer, instead he grabbed my arm and pulled me down to his level. He gave me a quick kiss on the corner of my mouth and pulled away, a smirk on his face.

"Someone's anxious." I laughed, and Luke just nodded.

"Are you coming to Ashton and Jude's cabin?" I asked. Luke shook his head and returned his gaze back to his comic book.

"Do you speak?" I raised an eyebrow at Luke, questioning why he was so quiet. Luke wasn't a very talkative person, but he hadn't said a word since I arrived. Luke shook his head again, giving me yet another smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "Bye, Lucas." I waved, remembering him telling me a little while back that his full name was Lucas Robert. I walked down the steps and smiled to myself as I heard Luke's voice behind me.

"Bye, Caroline." There was a pause, "And don't call me Lucas!" He called as I walked further away from him.


"You finally made it!" Laurie cheered as I walked through the front door of Ashton and Jude's cabin. All eyes turned to me and I received a chorus of 'hey' from everyone but one.

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