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I walked as fast as my feet could carry me back to my cabin. Although I knew Elizabeth wouldn't physically hurt me as Luke had suggested, I was still scared as to how she would react.

I opened the door to our cabin and stepped in, only to find that the place was completely empty.

"Elizabeth?" I called. Nothing. "Elizabeth, are you in here?" Nothing.

I suddenly heard soft weeps throughout the small room, then noticed they were coming from the bathroom.

I slowly made my way to the door and knocked lightly. "Elizabeth, will you come out? We need to talk."

"Fuck off, Caroline." Elizabeth snapped, causing a sigh to escape my lips. I hated that I had upset her, I felt like she would never forgive me. In her eyes, I had betrayed her, and our friendship. Which, in a way, I had.

"Please, Elizabeth."

"Fine, you wanna talk?" Elizabeth swung the bathroom door open and stepped out. It had happened so fast that I didn't have time to react and her face was now inches from mine. "Let's talk about how I just caught you kissing the guy I've liked for three years. Three damn years! How you lied to me and told me nothing was going on, how you acted like you and Luke were just friends. And to think that I actually fucking believed you! You're a liar, Caroline. And not to mention, a shitty friend."

"Elizabeth," I let out a big breath, taking a step back from her. "I'm sorry that I lied, but I was trying to protect you. I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

"Oh, how cliché," Elizabeth scoffed, "You were trying to protect me."

"I really was." I nodded. I knew she wouldn't think I was telling the truth, why would she? She was right, I had lied to her. About everything.

"I can't even fathom why you would do this," Elizabeth shook her head at me, "You were supposed to be my friend and you know that Luke belongs to me."

It was my turn to scoff. "You don't own him Elizabeth. He isn't your property."

"Neither do you." She said harshly, shooting a glare at me. Elizabeth was pretty intimidating, even when she wasn't mad. She just had this aura that said 'Fuck with me and you'll get fucked up'. Though her pale face and preppy attitude hid that, being in the same room with the girl could sometimes give off an awkward vibe.

"I never said he did."

"Everyone knew that I liked Luke and no one ever tried to steal him away until you came along."

"You can't steal something from someone if it doesn't belong to them in the first place." I rolled my eyes at her, she was acting as if Luke was an object rather than a person.

"Luke is mine." She seethed.

"No. He. Is. Not." I said each word slowly, trying to get the point across.

"He would have been," Elizabeth said, "If you hadn't come along."

"Luke was never yours and he never will be." I spat, and then immediately regretted it. The look on Elizabeth's face was enough to make even the most cold-hearted person cry. Her eyes filled with tears again and I saw her bottom lip begin to quiver. I wanted to say something, apologize. But I couldn't. I could tell Elizabeth didn't believe I had said the words, and I didn't believe it either.

Elizabeth sighed and turned away from me and walked over to the dresser, pulling out a set of pajamas.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"Screw this and screw you," She walked past me and opened the door, "I'm sleeping at Jude and Ashton's tonight." Elizabeth turned around and looked at me once more.

She said monotone, almost as if she was trying to hide the meaning behind her words, "Kiss him extra hard for me, since I'll never know what his lips feel like."

Then, she was gone.


"Luke, where exactly are we going?" I asked, becoming annoyed with the fact that we had been walking for 20 minutes and we still hadn't reached wherever he was taking me. I was tired and I just wanted to be in my cabin sleeping. But no, Luke had me walking through the woods with him at one in the morning. He had woken me up from my peaceful sleep to take me God knows where, and I wasn't very fond of the idea.

"If you ask one more time, we are turning around and going back to the camp." Luke replied, his voice flat.

A smirk formed on my face and I decided to press my luck. "Where exactly are we-"

"Nice try," Luke cut me off, a small laugh escaped his lips. "But you're not getting out of this one."

I groaned. "How come I always end up sneaking out to hang out with you?"

Luke shrugged and glanced back at me. "How come you never refuse to sneak out to hang out with me?"

I didn't give an answer because I didn't exactly have one. I guessed I just liked being with Luke. I had grown so accustomed to him in such a short period of time. We were close, we had already kissed multiple times. And I still didn't know exactly what we were. I didn't want to think about it, honestly. Especially after what happened with Elizabeth earlier that night. All I wanted to think about at the moment was the fact that Luke seemed to be in a much better mood. He didn't look as tired anymore and he would smile occasionally. I knew he probably wasn't feeling top notch again just yet, but this was a good start.

"We're here!" Luke threw his hands in the air, coming to a halt in front of me. I bumped into him and he chuckled at my expression. I took in the place we had arrived at, and I must say that I was not disappointed.

There was a black tarp draped over a branch about 4 feet above the ground, making what I assumed to be some type of tent. A small campfire sat a few feet in front of it, already ablaze. A large bag of marshmallows, two bottles of water, and two skewers were located beside the fire. It looked like a cozy atmosphere, and I was really at a lost for words. It wasn't much, but it was enough.

"Do you like it?" Luke asked, just like he did every time he showed me something new. I shifted my gaze to him for a few seconds and then back to the setting in front of me.

"W-what is it exactly?" I stuttered, not sure whether to be amazed or confused. I didn't understand why Luke would drag me here in the middle of the night. Then again, I never understood Luke.

Luke smiled down at me, revealing his remarkably white teeth, and threw his arm around my shoulders.

"Our first date."


this is short and boring and im sorry for that but I wanted to give u something. ((im sure youll all like the next chappy *wink wink*))

the truth is that I read the fault in our stars for the first time today and I have been really bummed most of the day. idk I just have a lot of feelings and I didn't feel motivated to write but I did anyways

anywaaaaaays sorry for the swearing in this chapter I actually swear a lot in real life but I don't want to offend any of you

I dedicate this chapter to @gemmaastyless bc she left me a very nice message that made me smile!! :)

check out my story the rock show if youre looking for a calum fic ((on my profile))

okay im done now

love ya!

-falloutcalum :)

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