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"I'm sorry, Luke. I really am." I heard a voice say as I neared the corner of the hallway of the huge lodge. I had been walking over to the activities room for our daily group activities but I heard these words being spoken so I stopped before I turned the corner.

"It's okay, Elizabeth. It's okay." Another soothed and I recognized the voice as Luke. I didn't know exactly what was happening so I peeked my head around the corner to see. Luke was holding Elizabeth in his arms, them wrapped tightly around her shoulders. Elizabeth's head was buried in Luke's chest, his hand stroking her ginger hair softly. If we're being honest here, I actually wasn't jealous. It even surprised me that I wasn't. I was actually glad that Elizabeth and Luke were getting along. I just wished that she would speak to me again.

It had been a week. A solid week and Elizabeth hadn't spoken a single word to me. She had finally moved back into our cabin, only because after we told Laurie everything that had happened she made Elizabeth come back to stay with me. Laurie wasn't upset, she just thought it would fix things between us quicker. She was wrong.

"I've been so horrible lately. To you and Caroline both." Elizabeth said, her voice muffled from her head being in Luke's chest. I wanted to jump out and hug her along with Luke, but that would have been creepy.

"Don't worry. I forgive you, okay? And I know Caroline will too." Luke said quietly.

"I hope so." Elizabeth replied, pulling away from Luke. "We should probably get to the activities room." Elizabeth wiped under her eyes, and only then did I realize that she had been crying.

"You go ahead," Luke nodded, "I have to use the bathroom." Elizabeth nodded in return and started down the hallway towards the activities room. I removed my head from the corner and leaned on the wall. I didn't understand Elizabeth. If she wanted me to forgive her, why didn't she talk to me? Maybe she was waiting for me to speak first. She probably thought I was mad at her when I wasn't at all.

"You can come out now, Caroline." Luke chuckled, making my eyes go wide. How he had seen me, I didn't know. He hadn't looked in my direction since I arrived.

I sighed and slowly stepped into the hallway and saw Luke standing there, his hands shoved in his pockets. He held a small smirk on his face, cheeky bastard.

"You caught me." I laughed nervously with a small shrug.

"Are you still mad at her?" Luke asked suddenly, his smirk dropping off of his face.

"I was never mad at her." I shook my head. I was more mad at myself for hurting her.

"She thinks you are." Luke explained, walking over to me.

"I'm not mad at her at all." I shook my head again.

"You need to tell her that, babe." Luke finally reached me and bent down, leaving a kiss on my forehead. I smiled slightly at the pet name, my smile fading after I remembered his previous words.

"She's not talking to me." I frowned, looking up at Luke.

Luke shrugged. "Then you should talk to her."

I knew I should talk to Elizabeth, but Iwas afraid of her shutting me down. She would barely look at me still, how was I supposed talk to her?

Luke grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers and smiled down at me. "Let's get to the activities room before Laurie yells at us for being late."


It was now dinner time and as we a sat at our usual table, no one was speaking. We all would glance at each other occasionally but that was it. I wasn't sure why everyone was eating in silence, whether it was because of the tension between Elizabeth and I, or whether everyone just wanted some peace and quiet.

Finally, Ashton cleared his throat. Everyone turned to him, probably relieved that he had broken the uneasy silence that rested on our table. We all looked at him with hopeful eyes until words left his mouth.

"I'm finished. I'm gonna go back to my cabin." Everyone sighed as he left, disappointed by Ashton's announcement.

Then it happened, the one thing I had been waiting to happen for a week and a half.

"I'm done too," Elizabeth announced, "Caroline, do you wanna go to the lodge and hang out. We could maybe watch some television or something." I was so surprised that she had spoken to me that my mouth fell open. My eyes roamed the table and everyone held the same expression as me.

"Uh," I didn't know what to say. Of course I wanted to, but my mouth couldn't form any words.

"I'll take that as a yes." Elizabeth pushed, giving me a small smile. She stood from the table with her food as did I with mine, and we dumped it out. I felt our table's eyes on us as we walked out of the cafeteria.

"Elizabeth," I started as we were about halfway to the lodge, but she cut me off.

"Don't say you're sorry. You honestly have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one that's sorry. I acted like a bitch and got mad at you for having feelings for someone. I mean, you can't control that. It doesn't even matter anymore. I'm over it. We should just forget that all of this happened and go back to the way it used to be."

I smiled at her words, relieved that she had forgiven me. I had been waiting for this moment. I just wanted things to be like they were before, just as Elizabeth said. I wanted her to be my friend, to stop acting like I didn't exist anymore. And for the first time in a long time, I was getting what I wanted.

"So by the way it used to be, you mean you talking my head off and me pretending I'm listening?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Elizabeth let out a loud laugh and nodded. "Exactly."


Idek i just got tired of them being mad at each other so this happened but believe me I've got some good stuff coming up so just wait

Check out my fanfics turning point or the rock show ((on my profile))

I'm dedicating this chapter to FABFan4 bc she is hella rad and so is her story! And she also said i was like john green ((which of course I'm not)) but omg that made my day so this one is for you babe

I love you all!

-falloutcalum :)

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