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Hearing a tap on your window in the middle of the night is a scary thing to wake up to. Especially when the window that was tapped on is right beside your bed. My eyes snapped open at the sound and I stayed frozen in my position on the bed, scared of what I might see looking at me through the glass.

"What was that?" Elizabeth whispered from her bed. Her voice frightened me at first because I didn't know the noise had awoken her too.

"I don't know." I whispered back. My heart felt like it was beating a thousand beats per minute.

"Well, it was at your window," Elizabeth said, "Look out of it."

I stared at her in disbelief. If she thought I was going to look out of that window, she was insane. "You look out of it." I snapped.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at me followed by a sigh. "Fine." She groaned, rolling out of her bed and approaching mine. She crawled over my legs and opened the window without hesitation. I gawked at her confidence because I was clutching my blanket in fear.

"Ashton?" Elizabeth said I think more to herself than me.

"Ashton?" I repeated, confused as to why Ashton was outside our window. I sat up on the bed and looked out the window with Elizabeth. There stood Ashton a few feet from our window with a big grin on his face and a flashlight in his hand.

"Why did you knock on the window?" Elizabeth asked him, furrowing her brows together at the boy.

"To wake you up." Ashton said as if it the most obvious thing. He laughed as he shifted on his feet, his large hand running through the messy waves on his head.

"No, I mean why didn't you just knock on the door?" Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows again, sneaking a glance at me.

Ashton shrugged. "I thought it would seem more rebellious if I knocked on the window."

Elizabeth and I both rolled our eyes. "What are you doing here?" I asked him as he played around with the flashlight in his hands, twirling it as if it was a drumstick.

Ashton raised his eyebrows at us and a smirk was visible on his face. He let a small chuckle escape his lips before saying, "We're gonna have some fun tonight."


Ashton guided us through the woods, the trip reminding me of Luke and I's when he would take me to his special place. Ashton wouldn't tell us where we were headed just that the rest of our group was there, Calum and Luke. At first I wasn't too keen on sneaking out again but then I thought, why not? I was here to have fun and that was what tonight was about. We had walked maybe half a mile down a small path that was barely even visible when Elizabeth began to complain.

"When are we gonna be there?" Elizabeth groaned, throwing her head back in agitation.

Ashton pointed the flashlight ahead of us and sighed. "It won't be long. Just calm down."

I stayed silent the whole time, not really caring where we were going as long as Luke was there. Every since I realized that I liked him as more than a friend, I actually liked being in his company. Not that I didn't before, but it was suddenly different after my realization. Whenever I was in his presence, I had a smile on my face. I couldn't help it, he was just so sweet and fun to be around. He seemed to be more aware of me since the day we partnered up for the pottery activity. He would talk to me randomly and always ask how I was doing or feeling. I could tell that Elizabeth had become aware of Luke and I's sudden bond and she wasn't too fond of it. She would glare at us every now and then but fake a smile when we addressed her. I felt bad that I liked Luke knowing that she liked him but I couldn't control my feelings. I doubted he even felt the same way about me so Elizabeth had nothing to worry about.

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