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It had been two months since camp. My life at home was back to normal, me sitting around and doing absolutely nothing productive. My mom was still strict and wouldn't let me have any fun. No surprise. In a way, I missed camp. I had more freedom there. But I still wouldn't go back.

I had talked to Calum a multiple times over the phone, as we had swapped numbers before we left camp. He literally called me at least four times a week. I starting to wonder if the guy even had a social life.

I hadn't spoken to Luke since that last day at camp. I had no way to contact him in the first place. All I knew was that he lived in Salt Lake City. That was literally all the information I had on the guy. Not that I wanted to contact him anyways. Calum had his number and had asked a couple of times if I wanted it, but I refused. Calum and Luke were better now, Calum said that he called Luke up and they forgave one another, for whatever it was that had them upset with one another.

As for Elizabeth, I didn't even know where she lived, much less her phone number.

"Mali is coming over in few hours," Calum spoke through the receiver, "She's bringing her boyfriend." Mali was Calum's sister. From the way Calum talked about her, he absolutely adored her. But not her boyfriend so much.

"Why do you hate the guy so much?" I questioned. Everytime Calum talked about the guy, I could hear the hate in his voice.

"He's dating my sister, I have a right to hate him."

"Calum, that's not a valid reason to hate him." I laughed.

"Yes it is. He's depriving my sister of her innocence." Calum sounded hurt by the fact that I wasn't taking his side.

"Calum, your sister is in her twenties, I'm pretty sure she isn't as innocent as you-"

"She's innocent!" Calum screeched, cutting me off. I laughed once more.

"Okay, I'm sorry. She's innocent. Forgive me for saying that your sister isn't a perf-"

"Caroline! Come downstairs for a minute!" My mom cut me off by yelling up the stairs. I sighed.

"Calum, I'm gonna have to call you back."

"Okay." Before I could reply, he had already hung up. I threw my phone down on the bed and left my room, making my way downstairs.

I walked into the livingroom and found my little sisters and brother sitting on the couch. My father was sitting in the armchair, and I was surprised that he was there. I couldn't remember the last time the whole family had sat down together, besides dinner.

My mom was sat in the other armchair opposite the couch. I sat down beside Kyle and gave him a look, questioning what was going on. He shrugged and we turned our attention to our dad as he started speaking.

"Caroline, Dana, Halle, Kyle." He said our names as if he was informing us that these were in fact our names. "Your mother and I have some news."

"You're not pregnant, are you?" Kyle groaned.

"No!" My mom said, "Just be quiet and listen."

"Well," My dad began, "I'm moving law firms."

We all stared at him quizzically, wondering what exactly this had to do with us. My dad had moved law firms before and it was never a big deal. We never sat down and talked about it, he just left his old firm and went to a new one.

"What's the big deal?" Dana asked. She and Halle were only seven, but they understood things easily. I didn't really know how but they were smart for their age.

"Well, we'll have to move." My mom told us.

"Like across town, right?" I said, we had done it before. Moving wasn't new for us. We had moved about three times in the past ten years.

"No," My dad shook his head, "Like across the country."

"Across the country?" Halle exclaimed, "Oh my Gosh, are we going to California?"

"Oh, is it Vegas?" Kyle grinned.

"Kyle, you can't even do anything in Vegas. You're fifteen, not eighteen!" Dana rolled her eyes. I don't even know how she knew the legal age limit.

"True, but it would be pretty cool to live in Vegas." Kyle nodded.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to my parents, who were looking at their three bickering kids. I didn't want to move across the country but maybe it would a cool place. I had lived in Kentucky my whole life, but change was good every so often. Though, I was dreading having to move schools.

"Where are we moving to?" I finally asked, causing my parents to turn their attention to me. Kyle, Dana, and Halle stopped talking and looked over at our parents also.

"Well..." My dad looked up at my mom with a small smile, waiting for her to finish his sentence.

A grin broke out on my mom's face and we all awaited the news of where our new home would be.



Yes that is where luke lives and yes that is where caroline is moving and no i dont want your girl scout cookies

I dont know when the sequel will be up but it should be soon


-falloutcalum :)

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