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It was now 3 a.m. and I was helping Calum carry Luke and Elizabeth back to the cabins. They were hopelessly drunk and they were not capable of making their way back to their cabins alone. The others stayed behind, saying that they would be waiting for Calum and I to return. I didn't think that Elizabeth would be the type to get drunk to the point that she was, but I guess I was wrong. I had Luke's arm slung around my shoulder as we walked the path back to the cabins, Calum doing the same with Elizabeth. Calum had insisted that he carry Luke but Luke held onto me and refused to let Calum carry him. I was confused and so was Calum but we obliged.

We walked along almost silently, Luke mumbling things under his breath beside me and Elizabeth ahead with Calum, giggling about something unknown to us all. She had been giggling the whole walk and occassionally Calum would chuckle at her, just because she looked ridiculous.

We finally made it back to the rows of cabins and Calum stopped ahead of me, turning to catch my attention by pointing the flashlight he held at Luke and I.

"Do you want to switch?" Calum asked, trying to steady Elizabeth in his arms. "I know Luke is heavy."

"I've got him," I shook my head, "Just get Elizabeth to our cabin before she falls." I let a small laugh escape my lips as I watched Elizabeth wobble, giggles still erupting from her mouth. Calum nodded and walked to our cabin as I guided Luke to his.

Getting him up the steps was a hassle, as he almost fell on each one. We finally made it into the cabin and I walked Luke over to his bed. I tried to help him lie down but he grabbed my arm and steadied himself in front of me.

"Luke, you need to lie down." I told him as I gently pushed him back, trying to make him lie down.

"I don't want to." He whined, steadying himself once more. I sighed and tried to loosen his grip on my arm.

"Caroline," Luke said, his words slurring a little, "You're really pretty," He smiled as he snaked his arms around my waist and tried to pull me towards him. It caught me off guard so I fell into his arms, causing him to stumble a little but he just continued talking. "But you're not just pretty, you're pretty." I rolled my eyes at him and laughed because his statement made no sense. I knew he was drunk and he was just saying things that popped into his head but I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter at his words.

"Luke," I laughed, "You're drunk, now lie down." I tried to pull myself out of his arms but he only held onto me tighter.

"Do you know why I kept taking you to that place in the woods?" Luke asked, some of his words jumbling up as he spoke. I looked up at him and waited for his answer. "I didn't know any other way to spend time with you. But then when we got there my mind would wonder off. Mostly because I was nervous around you. And then I noticed you getting bored with the place so I decided to take you to my second favorite place: the kids' camp." Luke smiled down at me as he explained. I gave him a smile in return. Although he was drunk, I believed him. I mean, I've always heard that drunk people, kids, and angry people tell the truth faster than anyone. Then again, maybe it was just wishful thinking.

Luke began to lean in and I froze. I didn't know what to do, he was drunk. If we kissed, he wouldn't remember in the morning and that would be very disappointing. I wanted to kiss him, I did but it wasn't right. Just as Luke's lips were about to touch mine, I turned my head and his lips connected with my cheek. The tingling sensation was unbearable. I wanted that feeling on my lips, not my cheek. Luke pulled back and smiled at me but I could see the disappointment in his eyes, and I was disappointed too. He probably thought that I was rejecting him but he had no idea how much I wanted to kiss him.

"I should get to bed." Luke said, loosening his grip around my waist. I slid from between his arms and watched as he crawled into bed and climbed under the cover. He turned away from me and I sighed. I felt bad for not kissing him but I knew it was the right thing to do. I doubted that he even wanted to kiss me. If he was sober, he wouldn't have.

Calum walked into the cabin just as I turned to leave and stopped infront of the doorway, turning off the flashlight and sticking it in his pocket. "Sorry I took so long. Elizabeth fell like three times." He laughed and placed his hands on his hips. "Are you ready to head back?"

"I think I'll just head to my cabin." I said as I walked past him and out the door. I began to head over to my cabin when I heard someone behind me. Calum jogged up beside me and I stopped, turning to look at him.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him as he eyed me. He looked concerned and I knew he was going to want me to explain why I seemed so down all of a sudden.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." He chuckled softly, running his hand through his nearly black hair.

"I'm fine, Calum," I assured him, "Just go back and have fun, okay?" I forced a smile at him and he nodded.

"Okay, Caroline," Calum said, pulling out his flashlight and turning it on. "I know you're not okay but I'm going to let it go because I see you don't want to talk about it." He smirked at me, knowing he had read me correctly.

"Just go, Calum." I laughed softly and rolled my eyes at him.

"Good night, Caroline." He called as he headed back down the dirt road between the cabins.

"Good night, Calum." I told him and I walked up the steps to my cabin.


Don't be mad at me for not making them kiss, it will happen.

-falloutcalum :)

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