Chapter 8. Priscilla

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Prudence went down to the basement den to say goodnight to her father and to Peter.  They were both engrossed in the Alien movies, films that her father and mother had watched together but had hidden away until the children were old enough to see them.  Parsnips was utterly agog as he watched the screen from out of Peter's shirt pocket, sometimes putting his front paws over his eyes at a particularly gruesome scene.  They paused the film and Jim wished her "sweet dreams" a common family way of parting at bedtime while Peter said merely, "Night."  Parsnips climbed down onto Peter's lap and seemed about to follow Prudence up to bed, until she said to Peter, "Your mouse is getting away," and he picked up Parsnips and put him back in his pocket. 

This was the night that Prudence had been waiting for.  After tonight, if all went according to what Rula said, her quest would be clear.  She hoped also that she would be able to tell Peter about it, as the gulf between them was widening with each day.  She knew that her insistence on keeping her doings in Greenwold a secret was eating at him like a cancer.    

She closed and locked her bedroom door.  As far as she knew, there were no mouse holes like there were out at their cottage.  Parsnips had been so useful the last time she travelled, and perhaps had even saved her life.  But, tonight, she needed to go alone.  Prudence only hoped she would not stray in getting to her destination. She climbed into bed, wearing only her nightie.  She could count on being dressed in different clothes when she would be set down in that other world.  Sleep was not long in coming.

She woke up just where she wanted to be, close to Rula's hut.  The stars were bright and there was a full moon.  She felt chilled and so she ran to the door and knocked, not even waiting to be asked before saying, "The river runs deep."  

"Well, if it isn't our little North American earthling," said Rula, mischievously.  "Where and what is North America?" she added, without expecting an answer, luckily because Prudence would not have known quite what to say.  "Enter and meet our local conspirators."  Rula introduced her to two young women, Maggie and Charlotte. Maggie looked to be the older of the two.  She was quite plain and looked to be as muscular as a man but she had a lovely, welcoming smile.  Charlotte looked to be around Peter's age.  She was more restrained than Maggie but looked intelligent and was simply beautiful even without a smile on her face.  Peter had mentioned her but had not elaborated and she wondered if he was not sweet on her.  

  Rula rattled pots, cups and saucers as she made the tea.  "Are we waiting for someone?" Prudence asked.  

"Yes," Rula and Maggie answered together.

"The one who is going to tell us about the quest?"

"That's what we understand but she's a bit late.  I doubt there is anything to worry about.  Mortimer's always accurate in his information."

"Mortimer!  Is that the man who travelled in search of Braeland with my brother?

"Yes.  Now no more questions until she comes," said Rula.

"But you have met this woman before?"

"No.  Now if you ask one more question I am going to have to throw a teacup at your head."

They had their tea and exchanged trivial information, mostly about the weather in both worlds until they were interrupted by a loud knocking upon the door.  "Password" they all shouted.

"Priscilla doesn't need a password!  Open the door at once please," said a commanding female voice outside.  Rula sidled over to the door, drew open a couple of latches and peeped out.  

The door was pushed open and an imperious tall, sleek woman dressed in furs glided inside.  There was a powerful scent of lilies about her.   "Which of these wears the medallion?" she asked Rula.  There was a moment of silence.  Prudence felt panicky.  What if this woman was just another agent of the king?  But then Rula nodded to her and Prudence said, "I do." 

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