Chapter 12. The Graveyard and the Warrior

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Prudence opened her eyes and saw Rula's hut directly before her.  The sky was alight with stars and there was not the slightest breeze.  All was quiet. She could see from the cracks in the wall that candles were lit within the hut.  She knocked softly on the door and it was immediately opened without the usual unlatching process.  Sitting rigidly on a chair by the small table was Priscilla. Prudence had to bend down to give Rula the customary hug. They were interrupted by Priscilla who said, "Let's dispense with the preliminaries, shall we.  You're late and I am not accustomed to be kept waiting."

"The Trokens are preparing a further assault upon our people and they are sure to find our valley unless we block their advance.  They will slay all of us or, equally bad, take us into slavery.  There is no time to waste.  We need the help of the medallion," Priscilla continued.  

"She has already said she will not give it to you," said Rula.

"Did I ask you to speak, Mistress Dwarf?" sneered Priscilla.

"I will speak though you order me to hold my tongue.  This is my house, and this is my friend Prue," shouted Rula, jumping up on a chair and glowering at Priscilla who was now below her. 

"I could turn you into . . ." 

"Stop, please!  I don't know what you want of me," Prudence interrupted.  

"If you will not give me the medallion I want you to come with me to Braeland to see what is at stake," Priscilla said.

"But I am not prepared for a long journey.  I have to go back to my world before father comes, and even my brother Peter with Mortimer as a guide couldn't find . . ."

"It will take no time.  Like you, I have the power of going here and there by magic, and I know the way."

"You will have to take me too," said Rula, still up on her chair.

"You are not her mother."

"That was cruel!" shouted Rula.  "Her mother passed away recently."

"No one told me.  I am sorry," said Priscilla but not looking the least apologetic.  

"Now here is what I can do.  I can take you and you alone to see what your brother wanted to find.  There is much I can show you in merely one night.  Then you can choose to come back here or go to that other world of yours."  Rula was about to speak but Priscilla put her finger up near her lips. Rula looked as if she would like to bite it.  

"Very well.  I will come with you if truly you possess this magic that you claim to have.  The medallion shall not be part of it.  Remember that it will burn anyone who tries to touch it even if I am not wearing it." And, having said that, Prudence took out the sheath, then lifted the medallion out of her clothing and over her head, and tucked it away.  Rula opened her mouth, apalled.  Priscilla eyed the medallion like an eagle watches its prey.  Prudence thought that, despite her brave words, perhaps there was a flaw.  What if she were killed?  Could someone else claim the medallion then?  And, there was no doubt this thought was going through Priscilla's mind. But there would always be doubt, and perhaps there were other ways that the medallion could come into Priscilla's service.  

Much against the continued objections of Rula, Priscilla led Prudence outside.  In a small clearing, with the woman holding her hands together as if preventing one of them from flying up to scratch, Priscilla asked Prudence to join hands with her.  "Now we do the circle game," and holding tighter and tighter and going faster and faster they became, as Rula witnessed, translucent and then they disappeared entirely.  Tears of frustration ran down Rula's face.  

The next thing Prudence knew she was in a valley looking up at a whole panorama of dwellings built along the gently-sloping hillsides above and around her, resplendent in the bright moonlight and under the stars.  Most had white stone porticos leading to doorways into the hill.  There were terraces built of the same stone that had gardens with many plants. Winding roads with public gardens led from one dwelling to the next.

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