Chapter 33. Getting Prepared

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A platform had been erected that day.  On the green field around it, hundreds of women and girls.  On the platform, a group that included one very small, older woman, two young women and a young man.  The smallest woman, dressed in military uniform, wore a shield too large for her, a wand with two prongs on the front of it, and a pack on her back.  She stopped dramatically and asked the crowd to stop cheering which it had been doing for a half hour and, once there was silence, she addressed them in a voice that was very loud for such a short person.

"My name is Rula and I have been asked by Consensus Hall to be the general of the true Braeland League of Women.  I am from Greenwold but not from Braeland but I feel as if Braeland has become my home.  It does my heart good to see so many of you here today.  These are desperate times demanding extreme solutions.  The ranks of the Braeland Guard is now growing but you must know that we face enemies who outnumber us.  Still, we must fight or lose all that your ancestors have built for you."

Rula was interrupted here by shouts from the crowd of "Long Live Rula!" and "Long Live Braeland."

"What you do not know is that many of those in the Guard of South Braeland who will be attacking you are torn in their loyalty.  They must be spared if possible and you will have weapons that will stun your attackers but not kill them. Your weapons are being brought in and you will need to learn how to use them.  I now introduce Peter and Charlotte who will fit you up and train you.  I would also like to introduce she who needs no introduction, our mentor-leader Prudence, who wears the famous medallion that has greater powers than the chain worn by our enemy, Priscilla."

Not far away from this rally, a similar military assembly was being held for the male members of the guard.  It included the old guard, the new recruits and some visitors from North Town.  Martin introduced Mortimer, who was to be their general.  Mortimer said, "Our mission is to protect our homeland.  We recognize South Braeland as part and parcel of our land.  Do not be fooled by the uprising that happened there.  Many of our family members and friends from that land have been fooled, imprisoned and, in some cases, killed.  If it were only our kinsmen, then we would have little difficulty in winning the final battle and returning to peace.  But, treachery is at work and a villainous tract has been made with the Troken King.  An attack from the South is most to be expected but we will be ready for them.  Higher knowledge is on our side.  We will have eyes that look out of trees and we will have magic that will stand up to their brute force.  I welcome our friends from the North and let me also introduce my friend Jim who is helping us with these marvels."

Jim stood up and waved to the loud cheering and exclamations of the guard. Jim said, "Let me propose a toast to the return of peace in Braeland.  The courage of the Guard and of the League of Women will bring it to pass!"  And then flagons of wine were passed out among the men and they toasted their nation, their leaders, and each other.

"O.K. then, back to work.  We have got to start transporting many more of those gadgets and setting up generators for the batteries," said Jim, once the rallies had ended and they had met up with the rest of their party and were on the way back to the Archives.  

"Where is Parsnips?" Peter asked Martin as they walked along.

"That is a good question.  I watched over our two pets as you asked.  Certainly, your mouse is a more intelligent breed than is my bird and I don't think Siegfried liked the role of playing second fiddle to someone so much smaller than him.  It took a long time and many, many words before something resembling trust was building up between the two of them.  Parsnips told me to go away as he didn't need babysitting anymore."

Peter was worried that Parsnips may have become raven food after all, as he certainly did not like the look in the bird's eyes.  But he was too busy to spend much more time deliberating on his pet.  There was already a lineup of women from the new league waiting to be trained by them in the use of "magic" wands.  They only had a limited number of demonstration models now but they were impressive, painted black and made to look like a witch's favorite wand.  

Jim walked with Mortimer.  "There's a chill in the air or maybe it's just my old man's bones.  What does that say to you?"

"That you're not an old man and you are thinking just what I am, that winter is not far off and an attack will come soon as they will not want to fight in the snow," Mortimer answered.  

"I keep asking myself about what we want to achieve.  If we are lucky, we will be able to defend two-thirds of Braeland from being taken over this fall.  But, if the Trokens are allowed to hold the South until spring, they will widen the pass and bring a full-fledged army upon us next year.  You used the word 'doomed' and I now realize what you mean," said Jim.

"Alas, there is nothing we can do but hope for a miracle," sighed Mortimer.

Jim thought that it was in his power to bring about that miracle but it would mean going against his principles.  Could he live with himself after becoming a gun-runner?  The time may come, however.  He was too involved.  His children were too involved.  Greenwold was coming to mean as much to him as Earth.  He walked on without communicating these thoughts to Mortimer.

But no attack came that week or the week after and, during this time, restricted to what they could carry on their backs, Jim and Prudence, and sometimes Mary and Anne as well, made as many as three trips a day between the basement and Martin's room.  One time there was a dinner held in Braeland and, meeting Mortimer for the first time, Anne whispered to Prudence, "Oh, he's a cutey! Almost makes me want to come back to Greenwold."  Anne wondered why Prudence looked angry and did not answer her.   

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