Chapter 31. Electrifying another World

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Early the next morning, with the necessary parental words of warning from Jim and Mary, the delegation of Rula, Prudence, Charlotte and Peter (with Parsnips) set forth through the usual medallion ritual for Braeland.  They landed in the park in the centre of Middle Town and scared some of the people sitting or lying on benches and they frightened away a flock of seagulls.  Parsnips, who could no longer fit in a shirt pocket, jumped up and down a few times to wake himself and was the first to speak, "Look at those trees.  It's good to be in a place where fall arrives later, wouldn't you say?"  

The delegation stretched and looked around.  "Probably Grandfather is already at the archives and we could go and see him," said Prudence.  

As they approached National Archives they were overtaken by Mortimer, who greeted them warmly and said he, coincidentally, was going to the same place.  Prudence noticed that he had a much-improved appearance, with his hair and beard trimmed and he was dressed in a guard's uniform.  How old was he?  Probably not more than three or four years older than her.  

Mortimer said, as they walked along, "We have been very busy since you were here last.  New recruits have entered the guard and we are busy training them.  Messengers have been sent to North Town to request them to double their vigilance in watching the pass.  We have a ring of spies in South Town who report there is great unrest and fear among the citizens there.  Still, there are reports of more and more Troken soldiers coming in and, even worse, they must have cleared away many of the barriers that we once built because they are bringing horses.  We are digging trenches with sharpened pikes to engage in this kind of warfare of fighting men on horseback but we are worried that, before long, the attack will come and we will not be prepared.

"Even if we fend off the first attack, I tell you Peter and friends that our doom is only delayed.  The Troken soldiers already outnumber our guard by ten to one, let alone the advantage they have of being on horseback.  The only real hope for our nation is to regain the southern pass, rebuild its barriers and defend the northern pass.  Martin and I brought this motion to the Consensus Hall and, while they approved our plans for defense, they had a consensus that we should not go on the offensive.  We were deeply disappointed although I suppose they were only expressing the art of the possible," Mortimer said, frowning.  

Soon they arrived at the archives building.  As usual, Martin was absorbed in his work and, with his back turned to them, was totally oblivious to their entrance.  Siegfried, on Martin's shoulder, turned his head and jumped off and moved awkwardly towards Parsnips.  The bird was larger than the mouse.  "Love mousie.  Love to eat mousies.  Better to eat than chickens" he said in his screechy voice.

Martin jumped, saw his visitors and commanded, "Get back up on my shoulder immediately, you naughty excuse for a bird!"  After a couple of "awks" the bird complied while still keeping a hungry eye on Parsnips who, it must be admitted, cowered behind Peter's legs.

"I propose we all go into the lounge and I will make us some tea.  You must be hungry after your journey.  No?  I will feed the animals anyways as they are always hungry, especially Siegfried and, with full stomachs, they may get on better together," Martin said.

"I would ask Arliss to come with us but he is away on a diplomatic mission to North Town," Martin added.

When they had settled down to tea and biscuits, the latter of which were mostly fed to the animals who kept watch that neither should be short-changed, Martin told them about the state of affairs in Braeland.  It bore out what Mortimer had told them in fewer words on their walk to the Archives.  

"I am surprised that my son is not here," said Martin, after he had finished his long tale.  

  "He is busy with his preparations.  He plans to bring all sorts of electrical contraptions here to help you get a jump on invaders and others that can even be used as weapons that shock but don't kill," Peter said.  

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