Chapter 34. The First Attack

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It was November 14, a cold but clear day, when the Trokens attacked the north pass to Braeland.  If they succeeded in taking the pass, they would have little trouble in defeating the whole nation by attacking Middle Town from both sides.  

Martin and Mortimer knew that the attack was coming hours before the fighting began because the North Town guard had spyglasses and a radio transmitter.  They also had a good idea of the number of attackers because the northerners flew a model airplane equipped with a video camera over the region below the pass.  

"That's a fair-sized troop.  Do you think we should send help?  That is traditionally what we do when the pass is attacked," said Mortimer.

"I think that is just what they want us to do.  It's a feint.  How long do you think it would normally take for the word to get from the southern barrier to here and for the guard to be marshalled and ready to depart? "

"I'm not sure.  I guess it would be about three days," Mortimer answered.

"Then we can expect a much larger attack to be launched against Middle Town in four to five days.  My guess is the northern attack will end at that time because it will be costly in lives for the Trokens.  The northerners have excellent reconnaissance, and much better weapons than their opponents now that my son has equipped many of them with modern crossbows and arrows," said Martin, looking at Jim who had just joined them.

"So it is started at last," said Jim, rubbing his hands.

"It will start in earnest in a few days.  I agree with your father that what we are hearing from the north is a mere feint to draw off our troops," Mortimer admitted.  

It was two hours before sunrise on the morning of November 19 when Martin awoke to the feel of someone gently shaking his shoulder.

"Grandfather, wake up, they're coming.  Mortimer is getting ready to go out and meet them and he sent me to get you," said Peter.  

Martin immediately threw off the covers and got out of bed, fully dressed except for his shoes.  "I have been expecting this," he explained to Peter as he tied the laces.

Peter told him what he knew, that there were two divisions of soldiers approaching the town stealthily on foot, one from the east and the other from the west.  One was a troop of the guard from South Town and the other was the League of Women from the same town led by someone who fit the description of Priscilla.  All this was known by the video cameras hidden in trees and by reports radioed in by guards who were equipped with night field glasses.  

They arrived at the headquarters, a set of rooms set up for the purpose at the National Archives building.  Mortimer and Jim were receiving reports and putting pins on a map.  Eerie images were on video screens. 

"Are our guards ready to go?" asked Martin.

"Nearly.  Come over here for a minute and give me your thoughts on what we're seeing.  I assume Peter filled you in," said Mortimer.

Martin looked briefly at the map, and then turned and said, "They're trying to surround us in a pincer movement.  It's lucky we set up our booby traps in all directions out there and did not assume they would come directly at us.  But the fact that there are hardly any Trokens yet must mean that they will likely strike directly and on horseback, with the idea of pushing us back into the circle" said Martin.

"Thank you.  I had reached the same conclusion.  We would be decimated without your gadgets Jim but now I think we stand a chance.  I will be sending half of our forces, the women to take on the women, and the men the men to cut off those who are trying to surround us and reserve the rest for the head-on attack.  Lara shall lead the women and I will lead the men.  I hope to have them on the run and get back here before the Troken charge comes.  But, if not, you gentlemen are more than fit to take my place," said Mortimer, readying himself to depart and shaking hands with all of the other three who were present.

"Dad, can I go with Mortimer?  I have been training people in new weaponry for weeks now and I would love to see them in action," Peter asked.

"No Peter, remember that you and Charlotte are needed here in the medical centre.  You are trained for that as well and the doctors will have many more injuries to deal with than they can handle.  Besides they are not used to some of the medications and first aid equipment that we brought.  Now you better go and wake up Charlotte."  It was a consolation to Peter that he would be with Charlotte but, still, he was disappointed.  

After Mortimer and Peter left, the two men watched the video screen and talked to the spies.  Jim said, "When and if the Trokens get close, I am going out to the field.  I have a surprise for their horses that I have not mentioned to anyone. Have to go out there and see if it works," Jim said.  

"If any of the southern Braelanders get close I have a surprise for them as well and I must go out to see if it works," Martin said in return.

Before long they saw the booby-traps begin to work.  Some were conventional – such as pits dug in the ground with fake covering that looked like twigs and grass.  These were particularly effective because the enemy guards were moving in the dark.  Others used high technology such as trip wires through which ran a high voltage current when set off by someone interrupting a laser beam.  Their cameras also showed most of the fighting when it began.  The Middle Town Guards wore night vision glasses and were deadly at close range when they used modern crossbows.  But, if possible and if they were winning the battle, the objective was to stun the misled Braelanders from the south and to convince them to surrender.  The Middle Town women were equipped with cattle prods that looked like wands and they had shields that also gave off a jolt of electricity when hit with a steel sword.  They held these shields with an insulated arm and they could trip the electrical switch with a button.  Because the Middle Town men and women had better vision and were familiar with the booby-traps, they did not get stung or caught by them.  But such was not the case for their opponents who began yelling and shrieking about magic and who ran from the field.  The women panicked and ran in every direction when their leader disappeared. Because those who intended to surround were already surrounded themselves, many surrendered.  Others had in mind that the Trokens might be able to save them and they ran went directly towards Middle Town rather than away from it.  

Mortimer and Lara both reported by radio the victory that Martin and Jim had already glimpsed on the video screens.  Both leaders were coming back but leaving some of their troops behind to tend to the wounded, most of them on the opposing side.  

But, before they could get back, bugles were blowing in the distance and the cameras showed that the Trokens were coming on horseback.  Jim and Martin ran out to the field.  It is always the case that men equipped only with swords stood little chance against other armed men on horseback.  But, long before the Trokens got close, some of the riders started falling because of a hail of arrows from the hunting bows that been brought to arm this new army.  And, as the riders came closer, the crossbow fire knocked down more.  Still the riders came on there were so many.  Some brave pairs of the guard went running directly towards the horses.  They wore insulated gloves and stretched between them was an electric wire.  It was a horribly dangerous practice because the men were either killed or wounded grievously but it terrified the horses that were shocked and they invariably threw their riders.  But, still, the riders came on. It was then that Jim sprang his surprise.  He pushed a button.  Suddenly the air was filled with high pitched sounds, awful for humans to hear but even worse for the horses.  More and more riders were thrown and now the crossbows were incredibly effective.  Men on the ground were trampled by horses.  Those left riding turned tail and retreated towards South Town.  Many prisoners were taken.  

The field was won.  However, there were many south Braelanders still in the region.  That is when Martin sprang his surprise.  Using the strongest mindspeak that anyone had ever heard, his voice was heard from dozens of megaphones, "Fellow citizens from South Braeland.  Join us in rebuilding our nation.  You have been temporarily blinded by those who have foolishly allowed evil forces to invade our lands.  But we will prevail.  We will save your families, your trades, and your joy in living in a free Braeland.  Take up arms with us rather than against us. Join us in safety NOW."

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