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  "Onii Chan, I'm hungry", the little girl complained to the young raven haired boy. The raven haired smiled replying to her sister, "Don't worry n/n , just a little more and then you can have everything that your heart desires".

The little girl yawned , tired of walking for so long but smiled nonetheless when she heard her brother, maybe she could ask for her mother back.

However, she didn't notice the insanely dark smile that crept up to her brothers face while he lead her into the forest. 'Just a little more and then I'll be free from you', he thought as they got closer to the middle of the forest, glancing down at your small form.

Your small hand tightened it's grip on your bother's hand when you heard an inhuman growl. 

"Onii Chan I'm scared", you said hugging your Teddy bear closer. All of a sudden you were pushed with such force that you lost your balance and fell on the ground with a loud 'thud'.

Your body began to hurt a lot from the sudden impact and you, not familiar with this kind of feeling, pain, started to cry loudly.

"Shutup! ", a hand was shoved on your mouth and a sharp blade placed on your neck. 

"Shutup or I'll slice your throat and feed you to the wolves", your crying halted as you watched him with wide eyes, shock evident in them. Clearly this was not your Onii chan, no your brother loved her sister to bits and would never think of hurting a hair on your head. This person was completely different from your brother. He smirked satisfied once seeing your fearful face and got up turning around on his heels.

"And don't you dare try to follow me or I promise you I will not hesitate to shove this" , he growled at your small crying form indicating at the knife before carrying on, "down your throat, understood?".

Still under shock, all you could come up with was a quick nod. "Good", and then he sprinted off into the direction from where you had come from, not stopping to look at you or even sparing a glance towards your grief stricken form.

Once you were out of your shock, you got up and started shouting for him but he never answered your desperate calls. 

"Onii chan! Please come back! Don't leave me, I love you...please...", you collapsed onto the ground curling up your body refusing to get up. After being betrayed by the only person you ever thought as your family, you didn't have the strength to get up and try to follow him or even find a mean of escape. Your eyes started stinging from crying too much. 

Your eyes were puffy and red, your cheeks were dirty and your dress was torn. Just when you thought you had cried your heart out, that you couldn't cry anymore images came back inviting a fresh new wave of tears to accompany you. You were all alone in this place full of darkness ​​​​​and creatures unknown to you lurking in the dark, ready to strike any second. The only companion with you being your stuffed toy.

However, you soon heard a manly voice, "My my, what do we have here?". You raised your head unable to make out the features of the person standing in front of you since it was all blurred. 

"Who..who are you?", your voice came out more like a whisper as you tried to rub your eyes to remove the tears but couldn't stop them from coming back. Before you could grasp onto his features you felt a sudden pain strike you as you could no longer hold onto consciousness and you fainted. As darkness enveloped you, you could hear that same voice calling out, "Call me KarlHeinz, child".


Hello! Sally here. This is my new story, and I hope you liked it. Feel free to comment and tell me whether I should continue or not. Take care my lovelies~ 

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