Chapter 9

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"Done!", you chirped as you took a step back to admire your work.

However, you saw that ayato was choking and his face was red. Worried you neared him and asked, "Ayato kun what's wrong?"

Instead of replying he simply pointed at his tie which you had tied too tightly causing him to almost suffocate.

In a rush, you loosened it a bit as the colour returned to his face and he sighed slumping down, with his back against the wall.

"I'm so sorry ayato kun!", you apologized while he just stared ahead .

"It's fine y/n, but now you know the reason I hate suits'.

You opened your mouth to speak but you were lifted off the ground by two small yet strong arms and swirled in circles before the person placed you gently on the ground.

As you were busy trying to regain your composure, a chuckle was heard 

"Did you miss your onii chan?"

Your eyes lit up and you turned around swiftly only to see Shu standing there or as you preferred to call him, your onii chan.

"Onii chan!"

You tackle hugged him and fell on top of.him on the ground but neither of you seemed to mind the position you two were in, in fact both of you were so caught in giggling and talking that you were totally oblivious to the stares full of envy and jealousy directed at your laughing figures.

"Oi! I want to be hugged by y/n too!", Ayato whined as he spread his arms out clearly showing his desire to be hugged.

​​​​​​Both of you blinked. You tilted your head but then giggles getting off of Shu and tackle hugging ayato who had not expected you to lunge at him with such strength that he fell down. 

A blush crept to his cheeks while you nuzzled against his chest. He patted your head awkwardly earning a giggle from you. 

Suddenly you got up and looked at him, he staring back to your e/c orbs with his enchanting green ones.

"Ayato kun we're going to be late!", and with that you got.up and started to drag him away.



"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"The answer is no y/n"

"Pretty please with takoyaki on top "


"Yay!",  you grabbed Ayatos hand and led him inside his room. After convincing the redhead to wear a bow, you made him sit on the bed while you went to the dressing table to receive his bow. After retreating back with the bow in your hand, you carefully positioned it on his suit.

Since he was not comfortable with the tie so he had to switch back to the bow.

When done, you lead him to the dressing table and showed him his own reflection.

" See Ayato kun, you look so kawai'

He on the other hand kept staring at his reflection and posing at different angles.

" Hey, I do look good, thanks Y/n!"

You smiled happily at him and bowed. As you turned around to go out, his hand caught yours before you could take a step further towards the exit.

"Where are you going Y/n?"

He asked with a sad expression, not wanting you to leave him.

It was clear that you had caused the brothers to change immensely. They felt loved and wanted ever since you had made your appearance. You gave them the love that healed their scars, the love that they were yearning for. They felt happy in your presence, and had begun to fall for you hard but you were oblivious to this.

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