Chapter 1

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You felt a poke on your cheek followed by many other. Groaning you turned in your sleep, and slowly opened your eyes revealing your e/c orbs only to find yourself staring back at emerald orbs. 

Fascinated by the vibrant color you moved your finger to touch it, "So beautiful", instead you heard a yelp of pain.


You sat up realizing what you had done and began bowing and apologizing to the boy who now sat in front of you holding his eye. 

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry it was an accident...please don't hate me.." Then you started crying which alarmed the boy. "H..hey..don't cry...look I'm alright", he removed his hand from his eye and looked at you. 

"See? Now please stop crying".

You sniffed looking at him earning a sigh of relief. "Do...does it hurt?",you asked him wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your gown, once again taking him by surprise by your innocent question. 


"How...where am I?", you asked him looking around.

You found yourself in a big luxurious room, one that you saw pictures of in your story books. It was enormous, the walls were of a light blue color just like a clear sky and the once bare floor was covered with a lush green carpet. You could feel that it was velvet smooth as you felt it through your bare feet. Two red curtains were draped over two windows adjacent to your bed, blocking out any morning light. Awe-struck your eyes landed on the boy in front of you who sat Asian style on the king sized bed.

"You're in my mansion! And no it doesn't hurt, only a little. It's good you didn't poke me too hard or I might have gone blind", he joked unaware that you took his joke seriously realizing that only when you started crying again, only this time it was louder.


The boy started to panic looking around for anything that might help him. Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of a teddy. Your teddy, to be exact. He ran over it and after picking it up shoved it into your face. 

You looked at the teddy, your expression turning happy as you hugged it closer to your chest.

"Mr cuddles!".

He grinned, happy that he was able to accomplish his goal, stopping you from crying anymore.

You looked at him and asked in a low tune, "Who are you?"

"The names Ayato! What's your name?"

'' , you thought as you observed him. He had unruly reddish hair which were spiked at the ends and emerald orbs. He also had a very fair complexion almost pale. He seemed to be a year older than you though. 

'Should I tell him my name, he is a stranger but he is nice'

You smiled, "I'm y/n!. But don't tell mommy I told you my name! She'd be angry at me", smiling as he nodded.

"Hey y/n, lets go meet the others!".

"Okay", you smiled wider as he grabbed your hand and ran towards where the 'others' he mentioned were waiting.

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