Chapter 12

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A loud yelp broke through the mansions tranquil atmosphere. E/c orbs glistened as you stared down at your little finger, which was now bleeding. A small drop of crimson liquid traveled down your finger as you quickly and frantically searched your surroundings for a tissue, even a cloth would be quite useful now. However, luck wasn't on your side. 

This was not good. You were only cutting the vegetables and then this happened.

Suddenly a hand was placed on your shoulder resulting in you to jump turning around with your e/c eyes coming in contact with violet ones. On instinct you quickly hid your injured hand behind your back hoping that somehow it would go unnoticed.

"Y/n chan?...what's wrong?", he spoke softly, though his orbs had narrowed a bit.

"N..nothing at all Kanato kun!".

"What are you hiding behind your back?".

"'s a spider!".

"A spider", he tilted his head to the side.

"Eek!! Where!?", you jumped into his arms clutching onto his shirt at the mention of the eight legged insect, letting go of teddy he held onto you as to not let you fall though he was surprised. 

He smirked, "Weren't you the one who said you had hid a spider behind your back. I don't see it". Curse your luck. Then as if luck hadn't been cruel enough his body tensed up as he began sniffing the air, "Y/n chan...", he murmured.

He placed you down so that you two were face to face, he picked up your hand to his eye level, "You hurt yourself". Quite surprised yourself, where you had thought that he might loose control of himself and bite you he was only concerned for your well being. 

He lead you to the kitchen sink and washed the red liquid off, and then kissed it. "There that'll make it better". Your e/c eyes widened for a split second and then the next you had tackled him to the ground with a bear hug.

"Arigatou Kanato kun!". A pink shade was visible on his pale cheeks as he returned the gesture, remaining quiet throughout. "I know!!", you pulled away from him earning a disappointed look, "I'll make you some sweets!". You knew that would catch his attention and it worked because that look was quickly replaced by a jolly one. "I'd like that". 

You nodded and got up catching sight of the teddy bear. Blinking thrice you ran over to it and picked it up dusting it and then handing it over to Kanato with a smile, "I'll make some for teddy too!".

"Teddy would like that too, won't you teddy?", and then he began talking to his precious stuffed toy. Smiling at the sight you began working on the cupcakes. Soon enough, you had accomplished making twelve of them and as soon as you were done decorating all of them you called out for your friend only to discover he was behind you all this time, observing you. 

"O..oh there you are! You can have them now".

"How about a tea party? Teddy would like to have a tea party with Y/n". Upon hearing the words 'tea party' your ears perked up as your e/c orbs sparkled.

"Tea party! I would love to have one!". That was all he needed before he broke out into a grin and took hold of your hand, "Come on then y/n! Teddy wants to start the party soon!", you couldn't help but giggle.

"Let me get the cupcakes!".

After you had retrieved the sweets you followed him or more like were dragged by him to his room.

You both reached his room as he invited you in, "Wow..", you couldn't help but admire the scene before you.Four little chairs were perfectly set out each on either sides of the tiny table that rested in the middle of the room. Amid the table was a tea set, and to your amazement the scent of freshly made tea hit your nostrils.

"This is so kawai!!", picking up a tea cup and examining it you couldn't help but squeal. Kanato smiled as he took a seat and you followed his gesture by taking one opposite him. He placed Teddy on the one beside him.

"Eh!!! I almost forgot!", before he knew it you had gotten up and dashed out of the room, leaving him staring at the spot you were in blinking multiple times. After a few moments of him glaring at the empty seat you arrived back holding Mr.Cuddles in one hand while your other hand carried two little crowns. 

Before he had the chance to open his mouth you had placed one of the crowns on his head and then placed the other one on your head. You then continued by placing your teddy bear at the empty seat while taking your seat back.

"There! Now it's a tea party! Your my prince and I'm your princess!", this was kind of a ritual for you, in your previous life you had always played tea parties with your brother, where he'd play the role of a prince and you the princess. 

The boy in front of you couldn't help but blush but nodded busying himself with pouring the tea in your cups while you smiled contently, placing the cupcakes in your plates.

Then after you had each finished half of the cupcakes occasionally making small talk here and there, a loud voice or two to be exact had sliced through the comfortable atmosphere.


"Back off Laito they're mine!!".

"Nfu~ Nfu~ I saw them first Ayato kun. Finders keepers losers sweepers~ Or was it..."


"Wait Ayato kun, I'm still not sure if it was sweepers or weepers"

"Why you little.."

"Ah it doesn't matter you're both!".

"I do not cry!"

"Yes you do~ Remember that one time when you.."



"WOULD THE BOTH OF YOU SHUTUP!?", Kanato had stood up slamming his hands on the table. Both the boys had turned their heads towards him gulping but as soon as their eyes fell on the plate of treats they charged towards it.

"Thish ish sho goosh" (This is so good).

"I agwee~", ( I agree~). A tick mark had appeared on Kanatos head as he growled, you sweat dropped at the trio. "Run", was all he said before he marched over to them and they taking this as a sign teleported away. 

"COME BACK HERE!", and before you knew it he too had teleported away. 

You sighed shaking your head and began eating the last cupcake, "At least I have you two", you looked over at the two stuffed animals waiting for them to finish their fight. 

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