Chapter 11

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  Lightning cut crazy zigzags in the night sky. Moments later the rain began to fall haphazardly from the sky. The mansion gave off an eerie aura accompanied with the flashing of lightning and the pealing of thunder. 

Despite the chaotic situation outside everyone resumed to do their work, Karlheinz was off to a party along with his wives while the brothers were busily indulged in their preferred activities.

You on the other hand had decided on taking a nap after you had completed all your chores however, luck just wasn't on your side. A bolt of white hot lightning broke the utter blackness inside the room where you now sat at the far corner of the room, your knees brought up to your chest as you hugged them and had buried your face in them. Why were you so afraid of the thunder? 

Maybe it was normal for little girls like you to have fear of these kind of things but the answer wasn't some phobia that you had, no but the reason was that it always brought back memories. 

The memories of that fateful day flashed to the front of your mind and despite your best efforts you couldn't shut them out. It was the same day as it was now, the day you had lost your mother, the day you had to face fate itself. Your e/c eyes shone brightly as you tried your best to stop the tears that threatened to escape any second. 

Then suddenly without a warning a lone tear traced down your cheek falling down one after another, without a sign of stopping and just like that that the floodgates opened. You wept, beads of water streaming from your e/c eyes down your face.

A low creak from the door could be heard, but you paid no heed to it as you were too busy. Small feet made their way towards your little form crouched in the corner. Said person bent down sitting down on his knees and placed a hand on your head, crimson hues filled with concern and worry. 

Perking up at the familiar gesture, you slowly lifted your head up to meet red orbs staring back at your glistening e/c ones.

"Subaru..kun..", as soon as you said his name even if it was a whisper, you were interrupted as there came a brilliant flash that flickered and died. 

However, it had startled you that without any second thought you lunged towards him taking him by surprise and burying your tear stricken face inside his chest, nuzzling into it in hopes of trying to block out the sound of the rattling thunder claps.

His cheeks flamed with the physical contact but nonetheless remained calm outside, at least he tired to. "Y...y/n, what's wrong?", he inquired clearly worried for you. 

Sudden feelings of confusion and protectiveness began to form in his mind as he pulled you closer.

"T..the sound...make it s..stop..I'm..I'm scared..", with that said it didn't take him much long to process that the reason for your condition was the thunder itself. He knew it'd be best if he somehow got you to sleep, but with such a storm it'd only be a miracle to do so. Even so, he wasn't sure himself when this weather would come to a halt. Therefore he got up knowing one way or another he had to get you to sleep.

After helping you up, he began to lead you to the bed while you clung onto him not leaving his side even for a second, which he didn't mind at all. After climbing in the bed after you did, he laid next to you and without wasting a second pulled you to his chest with your face buried once again in his chest, and began to hum. 

No matter how many times he was interrupted, he continued to hum until your tensed up muscles began to relax and you mind was put at ease. Before you knew it, your eyes began to slowly close as you were lulled into sleep while he stroked your h/c hair gently.

As your breathing evened, and he was sure you were asleep, he leaned down to place a small kiss on your forehead and turned away to leave only to be stopped by a small hand grasping his, "D..don't leave..", you half lidded eyes looked up at him before fluttering close. He taking it as a sign, laid back down and hugged your small form next to his. "Never".  

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