Chapter 5

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"Look over here! I'm Mr Cuddles and I'm alive! Wohooo!"

"You idiot that's not how you do it"

"Ne, Ayato kun Subaru kuns right"

"Shutup both of you!"

And they started arguing again.

Reiji closed his book and walked over to all three of them and flicked each of their forehead. 


"That hurts!"


"Will you three stop acting like idiots. You're not helping at all, look at her she's still crying"

They glanced at your small figure huddled at the far corner of the room, as you silently cried tears flowing down your cheeks like streams. He was right, you didn't stop crying.

After you had asked Karlheinz if he could bring back your brother, he refused saying that it was not possible that your brother had never loved you and was waiting to get rid of you for all his life.

You refused to believe a word he had spoken. You refused to believe that your beloved onii chan could do this, he had loved you since you had been born.

He used to protect you from mean people and took the blame on himself whenever you did something wrong. Even when he was angry he wouldn't shout at you. You were his little angel, his angel who would light up his dark days, make him feel loved and give him a reason to live. You were that reason. You were his everything. Then why? Why did he abandon you in the forest? You remembered him smile when he threatened to kill you and when he saw you cry.


You started to cry louder.

This made the brothers snap their heads in your direction and frown. 

"What do we do?" 

"Ne, i say we give her some candy"

"That might work"

Before you knew it a ( favourite candy)  was shoved in your mouth as your eyes widened.

"(Favourite candy)?", you said as you tasted it, savouring it. 

"Phew, it worked.,Good job laito"

"It was nothing subaru kun"

Shu  crouched down over to you, and smiled at you. "Y/n please stop crying, don't worry we'll help you find your brother"

"Vuf he doent fuf fe" (but he doesnt

He looked at you amused by the way you spoke. "What?"

You swallowed the sweet candy and replied, "what if he doesn't love me anymore!"

"Don't worry I'm here for you"

You smiled slightly at him and then the next thing he knows is that you've tackle hugged him to the ground.

"Then you're my Onii chan!".


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